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The rhythmic beeping from the heart monitor was the only noise in the ward. Pixel sat on a plastic chair, slumped forward with her arms folded beneath her on the bed. She'd refused to leave, spending nights sleeping in the hospital waiting room. It had taken two days for the main control deck to be repaired. In the meantime it had been touch and go. The life support machine they'd wired Vector up to had been battery powered, and a raichu had come in to charge it up every couple of hours. Pixel had been certain it was the same raichu they'd fought with only a week or so earlier, but if he recognised them he didn't show it.

The mattress shifted and Pixel's eyes fluttered open. A paw brushed her head and she looked up at Vector as he stretched out his arms. His face creased as he flinched and retracted his arms back in towards his chest.

A huge smile spread across her face and she propped herself up on her elbows. "Vector."

His blew eyes opened and he pushed himself up as he looked around the room. When his eyes fell on her he relaxed and rubbed a paw across his face.

"Where am I?" he asked. "What happened?"

"After you defeated Missing Number, you... well... we had to rush you to hospital." She watched him look around the room again. "It's Central Meta. You'll be surprised. The doctor who was after you... he saved your life."

"Really?" His eyes widened briefly and he looked down at his paws. "So the antivirus has gone... does that mean...?"

Pixel nodded. "System is back to normal. Well... there's damage, but those who had the virus have recovered."

"Recovered, eh?" He rubbed a paw against his chest. "Then why am I still sore?"

"They think the antivirus did some damage. They found blistering on your lungs, but they're trying their best to fix it."

He pushed himself up and adjusted his pillow so he could lean back against the wall. Once he was comfortable he yawned widely and took the glass of water Pixel offered to him.

"So how is everyone else?" he asked.

"Switch is fine. He went back to Spool yesterday, but he wouldn't leave until the doctors assured him you were okay."

He chuckled and sipped at his water. "He's not a bad guy."

Pixel smiled. "No, he's not. He's been worried sick. Chip's recovered from the virus too and she's with Retro and the unown now. They've gone back to the Binary Jungle since Cyan Island is still grounded. I'm not sure they'll ever get them up in the sky again."

"Well, they got them up in the sky centuries ago so there must be some modern technology that can do it."

He took another sip of his water then leant towards Pixel to set his glass back on the table. Their eyes met and he raised a paw, brushing it over the long fur beside her face. She let out a happy sigh and leant her cheek into his paw, feeling it trace over her cheek and jaw.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said.

He leant towards her but she raised a paw to stop him.

"I have some more news for you. I think you'll want to hear this."

He raised an eyebrow to prompt her to continue.

"Your group, Bridge. They're all alive and are assisting with an investigation in the ruined lab. They've found something they think might lead back to the human world."

"Wow." His eyes widened and he gave a small laugh. "That's... that's amazing."

"I know. They're keeping quiet about it though so we don't know any real details. I think they want to avoid causing too much fuss perchance it's nothing. Also, some might think it poses a threat."

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