The 21st Century Romeo and Juliet

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Chapter 1

My name is Juliet Capulet, I'm a normal teenage girl living in the 21st century. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I know that your thinking of the story "Romeo and Juliet" when you hear my name, but trust me were nothing alike. She is fourteen and I'm almost sixteen. My neighbor Romeo Montague is really annoying. He has brown hair and green eyes. Not that I care. Our families absolutely hate each other. Which is a good thing because I don't want anything to do with Romeo.

Once I get dressed for school today I get a text from my mom telling me to have a nice day at school. She would have done it in person but she had an emergency at work. When I went down stairs my dad had my breakfast ready on the table, he had a newspaper glued to his face so he didn't notice when I walked downstairs. I ate my breakfast fast and caught the bus just in time. On the bus ride there it was a crazy, the 9th graders were spitting spit balls, the 12th graders kicking younger kids out of the back seat. Then there's me... a 10th grader who seems like she doesn't fit in anywhere. Here's some examples like: Athletic, Cheerleaders/Prep, Emo/Goth, Nerds and ect. I don't fit into any of them like I said. The bus pulled up to the high school and the bus driver signaled us to stay on the bus. I didn't know what was going on but I knew it wasn't serious. After the bus driver left the bus, Romeo starts yelling for no reason about how he's gonna be late for his physics class. Ugh! Can he get anymore annoying! Thankfully the bus driver got back on the bus and let us out. I had Gym first period, great now I have to be sweaty to the rest of the day. After gym I walk to my next class put I run into someone. I knock over the persons books by accident, so I help pick them up. Just as I was about to hand them back I looked up and guess who it was... Romeo Montague. Great! Now I have to face this dweeb. He said thank you, but I didn't respond. I just ran the other direction.

Finally it was lunch. The only time I don't have to worry about bumping into Romeo in the halls every time a period ends. Plus he doesn't eat lunch in the cafeteria, he eats lunch outside because he thinks fresh air while eating food feels nice. Anyway I walk toward the table I usually go to but I only see one of my friends there. Macy. I sit next to her. I asked her where everyone else went. She said that they had lunch time detention for talking in science class. Macy had a salad for lunch and an apple. She is a vegetarian so I don't really eat meat around her. Lunch went by really quickly and by the time I had a few more classes it was time to go home. I boarded the bus and sat three rows from the back. And of course Romeo sat in the row in front of me. He had a crush on me for ever, but I don't care because I do NOT like him back. I'm not even really his friend.

When I got home it was quiet. Dad was (as usual) reading his papers. Mom was watching the wiggles with my little brother Jack. I smiled cause my family looks so peaceful. But a certain someone had to knock on the door. My mom got up and opened the door and it was Romeo's mother. They never come to our house. Like never. They started talking but I couldn't hear them because the tv was too loud. Their lips were moving but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then in a blank five minutes Romeo's mother leaves. "What was that all about?" I say to my mother. She just responds with a smile. Then she tells me to go to my room and dinner will be ready soon. I go upstairs to my room and flop on my bed. I feel so tired I thought. But as soon as I put my blanket on me I drift off to sleep.


The next morning I stayed in bed. I didn't want to get up. I felt sick to my stomach. I don't know if it's because of my scenarios with Romeo or just that I'm starting to get sick. My mind pushed Romeo out I my head and the only possible answer was that I was getting sick. I walked downstairs and I bumped into my dad when he was going to take a nap from a long nights work. "You look a little green Julie" my dad said. Yes, my dad has a nickname for me. Don't all dads do? "Yeah, I feel sick today. Can I stay home?" I say exhaustedly. "Sure sweetie. I will be in my room if you need me" my dad say walking into his room. Yes! I don't have to deal with Romeo today :). I walk down the stairs and turn on the tv. I watched my all time favorite show, Pretty Little Liars. Then I get a phone call from my fiend ally.

"Hello?" - Me

"Hey why aren't you in school?" - Ally

"Why aren't you in school?" - Me

Ally skips school every Tuesday. So yeah.

"Haha ok stop with the Brooklyn talk. So you sick or something?" - Ally

"Yeah. I woke up and my stomach was hurting" - Me

"Well I hope you feel better. So what's been going on with you and Romeo?" - joked Ally

"Very funny. Nothing is going on between us. I hate him." - Me

"Ok but eventually you will fall deeply in love with him. And when you do I will say 'I told ya so'" - Ally

"Like that will ever happen. Like really. Anyway I got to go I will talk to you later" - Me

"K bye" - Ally

"Bye" - Me

Then she hangs up.

I look over at the clock and it's 1:00 pm. School should be over soon so I can talk to my BFF Jessica. Time passes so slow so I decide to make a snack. I grab cheese from the fridge and grab crackers from the pantry. Right when I get my plate out of the cupboard I heard a gun shot coming from up stairs. I drop my plate making a Big Bang and run up the stairs as fast as I can without hesitating. I opened every door upstairs and finally get to my dads room. I whip it open the door and see my dad playing a hunting game on the Wii. "What the hell dad!?!?!?" "Sorry Julie, I should have turned down the volume" "I was so worried dad" "I know" "ok I was just worried. Anyway I'm gonna clean up the broken plate on the floor" "ok sweetie. I will be up here if you need me" "I know" and with that I left the room. I was still a little pissed but eventually it faded. I walked downstairs and picked up the broken plate pieces with my bare hands. They weren't sharp so I could pick them up with my bare hands. I grab another plate and put the cheese and crackers on it. I plop back on the couch. And drift asleep...

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