Chapter 6

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The bus gets to my bus stop and I get off. I see an unusual car parked in our drive way. That's weird? I make my way to the door and find my mom waiting for me. "Hi honey how was school today?" She said. "Good... What's with the car in our drive way? Who's here?" I ask. "Why don't you come and see" she says opening the door for me. I walk in put my coat on the hook and take off my boots. Yes it's winter. The most worst time of the year. Well I love the snow but it's just to cold. My nose is probably red from outside. Embarrassing. "The guests are in here" my mom gestures me to the living room and I walk in. My mouth literally falls open. There right in front of me is Brent with his parents. "Oh! So this is the wonderful Juliet you've been talking about Katherine" said Brent's mom gazing at my mom and then pulls into a big hug. Awkward... "Nice to meet you" is the only thing I could think to say right now. I see Brent's dad standing up from his chair and extending his hand. "Hello Miss. Capulet I'm Mark. Brent's dad" we both shake hands. "Nice to meet you Mark" I say I little shaky. What the fuck just happened? First I come home to Brent and his parents sitting in our living room. Second I'm meeting them? Can this day get any creeper? "Oh and this is our son Brent if you don't know him" Brent's mom says gesturing to Brent staring at the floor. Of course I know him he's the hottest guy in my grade! And he happens to be my crush. "Yeah I know him we have science and history together" I say not making eye contact with him. "Oh well that's good, it won't be awkward anymore" his mom says sitting back down. 'It all ready is!' I think. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom cooking dinner while my dad is setting the table. "Why are they here?" I say to my mother trying not to yell at her. "Mrs. Perch happens to be a very nice person, I've known her from years back but I have never had her over for dinner before so I thought it was nice" she says softly. I'm trying not to yell at her but its really hard not to. "So you just decide to invite them over now?" I say trying not to raise my voice. "Honey it's almost Christmas it's a nice thing to do" she says. "Fine, but when dinners done can I just head to my room? Please" I said. "Fine but when they leave I expect you come down and say goodbye" she says pulling out chicken from the oven. "Always" I put a fake smile on my face and walk upstairs to my room. I know my mom said I'm only allowed to go to my room after dinner but I'd rather get grounded then sitting next to Brent with all of our parents talking around us. I flop on my bed and listen to music from my IPhone. I managed to convince my parents to buy me the new IPhone 5S for Christmas. I am peaceful until I hear I knock on my door. "It's open" I said. The door opens and I see Brent with his button down shirt with a tie and dress pants with his hair shaped perfectly. "Hey can I come in?" He says softly. I nod. He walks in and closes the door behind him. I'm completely froze. I'm snapped backed to reality when he sits on my bed next to me. "So why are you in here?" I ask him. "Well it was either come up here or listen to our parents talk about when we were little, so I picked up here" he says. "I also caught something that your mother said about you using all of her makeup to decorate the mirror when you were 6" he adds smirking. My cheeks turn bright red in the matter of seconds. He doesn't say anything about my cheeks he just stares into my eyes and smiles.


I stare into those ocean blue eyes and can't help but smile because her face is turning completely red because of what I said about when she was 6. I don't know what rushed over me but I had this feeling that I never have felt before. Yeah I have dated a lot of girls cause since I'm the hottest guy and most popular guy in our grade you kinda get attention. But this time I have a different feeling with a girl. It's not the 'I wanna sleep with her' kinda feel when I usually see girls it's the 'wow is there anybody more beautiful and confident than her?' Kinda feel. I stare into those eyes and I feel like I'm instantly transported to the beach. How am I gonna get to her? With that idiot Romeo drooling all over her how am I suppost to ask her out? How do I show her how I truly feel about her?


We just sit there and stare into each others eyes. The redness of my cheeks have vanished. I could tell he was thinking if something cause he wasn't talking. He just stared. My mom calling us for dinner broke the silence and Brent's "trance". We got off the bed and walked downstairs. The smell of chicken and potatoes filled my nose. I walk to the dining room and see that my dad did a good job setting the table. This is the first time I've seen my dad without a newspaper. I also see that he put out cars that said out name on it and where we were sitting. My mom and Brent's mom were sitting beside each other and my dad and Brent's dad were sitting beside each other so I was left with Brent sitting in front of me. Great now u have to sit in front of the hottest guy I've ever seen. Great! (Note: Sarcasm) I sat down at my spot am looked up to find a pair of ocean blue eyes staring at me. This is gonna be a long night... Oh goody...

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