Chapter 7

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(Meanwhile at Nick's house...)

"Dude did you hear that Jessica and Juliet got in a fight in the cafeteria today?" Nick says grabbing a can of Pepsi from his mini fridge in his room. "No, how did it happen?" I said. Why did they get in a fight? They have been best friends since like grade 1. Well now I do kinda get it because Jessica is a girly girl and overreacts way to much. Cause even the slightest thing can set her off. Like accidentally sitting in her face when you talked. She would be like "EW! That's so gross! I'm gonna have to reapply my foundation cause your spit ruined it!" What a diva. I still don't know why they were friends in the first place. Cause Juliet is a girly girl but not as much as Jessica. Nick open the Pepsi can snapped me back to reality. "Well you know how you and Juliet did that "experiment" in science class" when he said experiment he did his hands in quotation marks. I nod. "Well supposedly Juliet got pop in her hair" he said sitting down on his bed. "Is that it? That's what it was about?" I said laughing because it sounds so ridiculous. "Let me guess, it was Jessica who started the fight?" I added smirking. He nods. "I still feel bad for Jessica though she just got her hair dyed last week. "Dude! Do you hear yourself? Get over the chick she's a complete control freak" I said laughing but still trying to keep stern. "I will like who ever I wanna like" he says. "You sound like a chick right now you know that right?" I say. "I'm not acting like a chick!" He says yelling but not in a mean way. "Yeah you are might as well give you some of my sisters push-up bras and some matching underwear" I say nudging him. "It's not funny! I'm not turning into a chick" he says getting ticked off. Which makes me laugh even harder. It's funny what best friends do. Yes guy do have best friends but its not like gay couple or something it's simply guys hanging out. Man I starting to sound like a chick now. "Anyway lets play Call of Duty" Nick says as he turns on the tv. "Sounds like a plan" I say getting a controller from the basket.


(Meanwhile at dinner...)

My mom sets the chicken on the table and sits down beside Brent's mom. "Can you please pass the potatoes" say Brent trying not to make eye contact. Did I do something? "Sure" I grab the bowl and pass it to Brent. When he grabs the bowl our hand touch. His hands cuff over mine. Our eyes meet. Ocean blue to ocean blue. "Thanks" he say pulling the bowl to him. I let go of it. He looks nervous. Our eyes don't loose contact. I'm into a trance until my mom breaks it. "Juliet honey are you gonna eat anything? There's nothing on your plate" she says. I look down and see that the plate is completely empty. "Sorry mom I was just... Distracted" I say grabbing the bowl of carrots. She turns back to Brent's mom. I turn back to Brent. "So I distract you" he says raising an eyebrow at me and smiling. "No! I was in la la land I guess" I say. My cheeks start going a shade of pink. I look away. "Aw playing hard to get huh?" He getting eating a spoonful of potatoes. "Are you trying to flirt with me" I say looking back up. "What do you think?" He says smirking. "Maybe" I say finishing the rest of my dinner.

After dinner and desert Brent and his parents were going to leave. "Goodbye Juliet. It was pleasure to meet you" Brent's mom said pulling me into a hug. "Nice to meet you to Mrs. Perch" I say back letting go of the hug. "Very nice to meet you Juliet" Brent's dad says to me. He shakes my hand. "You too" I say. "Juliet I'm gonna to out to town for a while and your dad is coming with me so it will be just you" my mom says grabbing her coat from the hook. My dad does the same. "Bye honey" my dad says. They both walk out the door. "Brent your dad and I will be waiting in the car" Brent's mom says walking out the door with his dad. I guess both of our parents had to same intention. "Well I guess it's just you and me then" he says looking down and scratching the back of his neck. "Yup" I say popping the p. there's nothing really to say. "Well I'll see ya around" I say. He looks back up at me with those ocean blue eyes. "Yeah" he says. We just stand there. He steps closer to me. His arms extend out and he pulls me into him. We are hugging. I can smell the scent of soap and a hint of AXE. Our hug lasts longer than most hugs do. He pulls away. "Um...well see you around" he says. "Yep you to" I say my voice almost cracking. Before he walks out the door and steps closer to me and whispers into my ear "I had fun tonight" with that he walks out the door. What just happened? Did I just hug Brent Perch? The most hottest guy and most popular guy in my grade. Has the world flipped upside down?

I walk upstairs totally confused. I flop on my bed and feel my eyes going heavy. I see my nightstand before everything goes black.

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