Chapter 3

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I walk in and Romeo is sitting in the seat I usually sit in with nobody beside me. Ugh! Why does he have to sit there! I sit down and he says, "Hey beautiful" he smiled when he said it too. "Oh bite me Romeo" "When?" He says with a really adorable smile on his face. "Don't do that adorable smile that gets girls to fall at your feet, cause that's not gonna work with me honey" I said sarcastically. "Your funny" we talk like normal people. It's weird I would have never seen myself sitting with that idiot Romeo and having a normal conversation.

When the bus stops at the front of the school, Romeo and I say out goodbyes and step off the bus. I walk in and see Jessica waiting for me at my locker. When she sees me she smiles. "I thought you were sick" she says laughing a little. "I know, but I'm over it" "I heard you and Romeo sat on the bus together" she said with smirk. "Wait everyone knows!?" "Yup, it spread like wild fire" "Why did you guys sit together anyways" she said. "Well that idiot sat in my spot so I kinda had to sit beside him and we joked a little an had a Conversation like normal people" " sure didn't look like it though" after she said that she walked away. Why can't she believe me!

I've got science first period in room 120. Mr. Hecks has assigned us lab partners but he wanted to wait until today to tell us so we can start working in the projects tomorrow. I walk in completely forgot that Romeo is in this class. What if Mr. Hecks assigns us as lab partners! Then everyone will think we're boyfriend and girlfriend cause they will think were spending so much time together and going over to each others houses! I sit down beside Brent. Brent is the hottest guy in the whole school and it's a miracle that he's in the same grade as me. He's captain of the football team and has a six pack that makes you wanna melt. He has sandy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and he's tan but not too tan. Perfect. He says hi to me and I almost melt in my seat. "Hey" my voice cracked a little. Shit! Smooth, Juliet, smooth. After what he says he doesn't talk to me. He smiles and looks at me but he doesn't talk. He must be still shocked about my nervousness.

Mr. Hecks walks from his desk and walks in front of the room. "Hello class , you all know that I'm assigning you all lab partners" he says. "I hope I'm with you" Brent says and my checks go instantly red. He wants to be lab partners! How can this day get any better! "Ok first off I pair Jessica with Nick" I feel so happy for Jessica because Nick is her crush and they would make a really good couple. "Next I will pair Juilet with..." Brent! Brent! Brent! BRENT! "Romeo" What the fuck!?!?!?!? I look over to Romeo and see his silly ass smirk starting to creep on his face. When Mr. Hecks finishes the pairing. I walk over to Romeo and say "oh wipe off that smirk Romeo" "You know I put our names together on the list" he says. "You what!?!?!?" "I did it because I wanted to know you better" "Romeo you know inside out don't you? You've been stalking me since kindergarten!" "No I haven't well ya I liked you a lot but I didn't stalk you. Juliet I don't even really know you" When he says my name I feel something weird at the put of my stomach. "You really want to know me better?" I say. "Yes. I want us to be friends" "I will be friends with you as long as you say we're not dating." "Fine friends?" "Friends" we shake hands. Wait did I just agree to be friends with the boy who stalked me for years and annoys me!??!??

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