Becoming best friends with the JANOSKIANS !!!!

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I am Dyslexic witch means I can't spell very well at all.

I am not stupid or anything it's just that I can't spell or read stuff as well as some as you I am just a normal person just as smart exempt I can spell. so I am sorry if I spell something wrong please don't hate me there will be a lot of mistakes sorry.

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Chapter 1

When it all started

It all started when I was 6. My mum and dad where fighting. it was late at night and it was raining and cold. I was sitting in my room crying. With my kitten Hunter that I got for my birthday. I herd my Dad leave the house and get in his car. I opened the Cretans and looked out at Dad I saw that he was crying. He looked up at me and smiled I waved and he waves back. He turned on the car and drove out of the drive way. I sat back on my bed and looked up at the roof. I new there was something really wrong this time. Mum came down stairs to my room she slowly opened my door. She had being crying as well she came and sat next to me on my bed. I had my teddy and Hunter in my arms. I sat there and looked at mum. She tried to smile at me and I went to hug her. "I am sorry beautiful" mum whispered to me. Me and mum fell asleep on my bed. When I woke up the next day mum wasn't there and Dads car wasn't back yet. I got out of bed and slipped on my bunny slippers. I put my teddy back on my bed. I sleepily walked up stairs. With Hunter creeping up behind me. Mum was sitting on a chair with her head in her hands. I slowly walked up to her. She looked down at me. I went and sat on her lap. "Maddy" mum said. "Yes"

"We are going to move to Melbourne" she said.

"But why mum"

By"Because grandma and grandpa are up there and there is no family down her for us anymore" she said.

"Where is daddy what about him"

"He went to heaven" mum answered me in tears.

"Where is that "


"Will he come back"

"No darling he won't"

"Why not mum"

"Because he can't darling"

"So I will never see him again"

"No I am sorry but you won't"

"Then I will go find him myself"

"You can't beautiful I am so sorry" mum said crying.

I started to cry not really knowing what was going on. "We are Selling this house and moving to Melbourne in a month Maddy Ok" mum I said and got off her lap.

The next day was Dad funeral there was lots of people there that I didn't know. Mum read out something I wasn't paying attention. I still thought dad would come back. Everyone kept coming up to me and hugging me I hated it I just wanted to go home mum was crying. I was just standing there. A month latter Dad never came back. I was packing a backpack full of my fav things to bring on the plane. I put my Winnie the Pooh teddy bear in my backpack. My drawing book, one direction pillow, a packet of lollies, my picture of Dad and my favourite bright green beanie. Then I put on my necklaces that dad gave me. It was silver and shaped like an angle wing but it was only the right wing of the 2 angle wings. I loved it I wore it everyday. I put Hunter in to his cat cage. So he could go on the plane. Mum called a taxi to come pick us up most of our stuff was Already at our new house and grandma was there. Grandpa was coming to pick us up from the air port. Then the taxi cane we hopped in and mum told the drive to go to the air port. We packed in the car pack and got out off the car. Mum pad the taxi drive and I got my backpack and Hunter out of the taxi. Our flight was in 30 mins so me and mum just sat around. Hunter was going on the flight before us so Mum took the cage off me and she walked over to a man so he could get him on the plane. I was worried about Hunter then because I thought that animals took a difficult plane to people and the Hunter my little kitten might end-up sitting next to a big dog. But I was only 6. Finally mum said ok time to go Maddy. Bye bye Tazzie I said. "Time to start our new life darling" mum said. We walked up to the gate and then slowly boarded the plane. I had a window set and mum was next to me. Next to mum was a woman about mums age. So mum got in to a convocation with her. "Hi I am Hannah" my mum said. "Hi I am Gina" the lady said With a hug Smile on her face. Gina had 2 sons they where twins about 6 months older then me. My mum kept talking on and on to Gina. I have to start prep at Melbourne in 3 weeks I though to myself as I dosed off. I fell asleep though most of the plane trip.

"Wake up beautiful" Mum whispered in my ear. We walked off the plane and went to get our bags. I saw grandpa and I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. Mum walked over with Hunter in his cage. Mum ran up to pa and hugged him. "Oh Hannah I am so sorry" he said to mum. Then he bent down to me and said "you have been so brave of the last 2 months darling". We walked to the car. When we got to our new home grandma was there telling all the men where to put stuff. Mum showed me to my new room I had my own bathroom and balcony. Oh my gosh my mum said. What is it grandma said worriedly. We have a pool. Oh yer I forgot to tell you Hannah grandma said laughing. Grandma and Pa had bought us the house and they wanted it to be a surprise for us. I ran around the house looking at everything there was a huge room down stairs that had huge glass doors that opened in to the back yard where the pool was. In the back yard there a deck right next to the pool. Next to the big room there was a garage for 2 cars. Up stairs there was mums room my room and my bathroom. . The kitchen and the other bathroom and lounge room. Mum had her own study. Thank you so much mum said to Grandma i would never of had enough money to get this house. Thats ok darling Grandma said. After we had settled in mum orbed pizza. Pa and Ma stayed for tea. After tea I went up to bed mum can and snuggled me down in bed. Night mummy I said. "Good nigh beautiful love you Maddy" mum said. As she went to get in bed.

9 years Later (Maddy is 15)"Time to get up maddy"mum said as She walked in to pull me out off bed. "But Mummmm why can't I stay in bed" I said. "Because Maddy it is Friday and is a long weekend so you have 3 days off" mum said as she pulled me out of bed. "Ok ok mum I am coming" I said. "Breakfast is on the bench now I am going to work so I will see you after school"

"Ok bye mum love you "I said as I walked into my own bath room. Hunter followed me in to the bath room he always watches me in the bath room wired cat. I got into the shower and turn it on. Just stood the for a while thinking about stuff like school friends. I turn around and turned off the taps. I hopped out and got a towel. I walked back in to my room I got out my brown yuck school shows and my school dress I slipped them on. Then I went and striated my hair. I had brown wavy hair I hated it. I went out to get some breakfast. Mum had mad me toast and a glass of orang juice. I eat it up. Then went and brushed my teeth. Got my school bag and iPhone off the charger. Then I got my skateboard and skated to school. I got to school. Oh crap I was late how the hell. I ran to my locker and put my skateboard in to my locker. What's first period. Maths then art. Oh Great I fucking hate maths. I loved art I was good at art I guess. I walking in to my maths class. "Maddy wear have you been" the teacher screamed at me. "Sorry sir" I said quietly. "If you are late one more time then I will give you a weeks detention"

" Yes sir sorry sir"

I went and sat next to Cassie my best friend. "Hey Maddy" She whispered. "Hey Cassie" I said. "What are we doing" I asked Cassie. "Maddy that is it" the teach yelled at me "no more talking move over there at that desk". Oh great the desk In The corner that everyone sticks There gum under how great I though to myself.

For the rest of the lesson I sat the not paying any attention to the teacher I hated him. Buzzzzzz there goes the bell thank good. Oh my way to art I saw Cassie talking to Ben the guy I liked. After art the day was just a blur till lunch. I was sitting in the cafeteria. Where me and Cassie sat together. Here she comes as she slowly walked over to me and sat down. "Look Maddy we need to talk about something it is really important" Cassie said.

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