Chapter 3

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The whole week I tried to ignore him and kept distance. It was so hard to do, especially when he goes to the same school, sits beside me in class and hangs out with my friends, even though they're his friends too.

We had break and Taehyung was talking to Jimin, while I tried on reading my book I brought from the library yesterday. My eyes couldn't focus on the context, because they followed Taes every movements, his every chuckle and smile. What am I even doing?

I sighed loudly not realising that Tae was looking at me. "Dahee, you're alright?" he asked me with a worried expression. I nod, trying to avoid his gaze. "Dahee..-", "It's alright, I mean I'm fine. Guys I'll see you in class" I said quickly taking my stuff und leaving two confused guys behind me. The picture of him flirting with this bitch Eunbyu last week, burned into my mind. Why do I even have tears in my eyes? Geez I'm such a crybaby..

I settle down into the seat, while taking my book out which I opened for the 5th time today. I sigged loudly while reading on, even though my mind was somewhere else. But as Tae entered the class, I stiffed. He sat beside me and looked curiously into my book, while I was trying to ignore him.

"Are you mad at me?"he suddently asked. Oh man can the teacher please hurry himself!

"No, why would I" I played nervously with my hair, hoping he would let me by myself for a moment. But he just leant forward so our eyes met. For a moment I forgot to breath and my hands started to shake in fear he would notice my fast heart beating.

"I don't know, but you are avoiding me since last week" he answered narrowing his eyes to slits.

Thank God the teacher went in and I looked away ignoring Tae the whole lesson. As our boring class ended I quickly clunched my books into my bag and stood up as if the seat was on fire. I ran outside and took the first bus. I was so glad Tae didn't follow me, because the last thing I wanted right now was his near. I know I lied to myself, but if I want to get him out of my mind, I need to ignore him for a while. As I entered my house I went straight into bed and made myself comfortable with kdramas and lot's of food.

The rich main character of the drama finally confessed his love to the poor but still beautiful girl on the fucking 16 episode. I cried my eyes out, it was so touching and perfect. Can't kdramas be real? I would even choose the second male lead, but please give me some fairytale! As the episode ended I quickly clicked on the next one. Such a junky.

Suddently the door to my room went open. I startled and even throw my popcorn out of my bed.

"God damn it!" I cursed looking at the ground. But as my eyes went up my face turned red of embarassment. "What are you doing here? And how did you opened the frontdoor?"

"I was worried about you and wanted to check if you're alright. Uh and about that.", Taehyung rubbed his neck", I jerked your replacement key lying under the carpet, sorry," he said shyly.

I stood up pausing my drama, while picking up the popcorn from the ground. Poor babys..

"Why didn't you just call?"

"I knew you wouldn't answer.", he crossed his arms and leant at the doorframe, trying to get clever out of my actions,"Dahee, be honest with me, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Or are you just on your period."

"Wha? Tae no! What are you even talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Dahee. I'm really pissed, you ignored me for a week. I thought if something happends we tell ourselves everything!" he nagged angrily. He was right. When we were little we made ourselves a promise never lie to each other. But back then I wasn't in love with my best friend who didn't even suspect me of having feelings towards him.

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