My human mate

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Dedicated to @twihard41

MY HUMAN MATE; chapter 9

When I woke up I was still in the alphas office. But the only thing different was a missing Cole.

That stupid boy, always running off.
I slowly got up and went to the bathroom.
I cleaned up my hair and straightened up my clothes before walking out of the office. Big mistake.

Everyone was running around in a big frenzy, lots of people were on their phones, parents were rushing their children into rooms and locking the doors.

I saw the alpha yelling some orders so I quickly made my way towards him.

The smart thing would probably to just go home. Don't get caught up in the werewolf business, go get yelled at by my dad and see cole tomorrow at school.
But something else told me that I HAD to see what was up.
"Umm alpha?" I asked him, tapping on his back lightly.
"WHAT?" He barked out ruffly.
"Jeez okay, no need to get sassy, clam the fuck down and tell me what is going on." I slowly said to him.

He turned his head around, "oh it's you Allison. Oh shit. You have no clue do you? oh crap this is bad, come over here and ill explain everything."
He lead me over into a different room that was less crazy, but still crazy none to less.
"So um, apparently when I left my office earlier when we were discussing the mate situation," I nodded my head for him to continue. "Well umm, someone kidnapped cole."
My eyes grew as wide as saucers when he informed me abut this.
"What do you mean 'somebody kidnapped cole?'"
"Well, we have found out someone drugged him while you guys were sleeping, they gave him enough to knock him out for a good 7 hours. then they dragged him away."
"HOW DID NO ONE KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" I yelled at him. I know it's not his fault but, MY MATE IS FUCKING KIDNAPPED! How could someone let this happen?!
"Well I was out of the house at the time.." he went on to explain.
"And nobody else was home?! How was none else here in the ginormous house?! There has to be more then just you guys here!"
"Well today's our long day. Most people have more jobs today and a lot of things to do. Then after that, if you have a mate, it's date night."

"What about the people with no mates? How could no one have noticed that random people were breaking in and kidnapping?"
I was furious at him by now. I don't get how this could have happened wolfs are supposed to be really strong and well protected right? Then how could you just let this fly by?
"Okay, we know who did it, we know how they did it, we are pretty sure we know why also. Now all we need is to figure out where."
"This is where you come in handy."
"Oh like I'm not handy for anything else!"
"Calm down Allison."
"Sorry I get sarcastic when I'm frustrated, just please continue!"
"Alright, well since Cole has marked you already, your bond is stronger then others. Plus him haveing alpha genes, it's extra strong. This means that you guys can feel how each other are feeling, what pains and pleasures they are going through.
Your sense on each other is amazing. This means that you can figure out where he is through the bond."
"How do I do that?"
"We don't know."
"Oh well jee thanks for the help!"
"Allison," he groaned out. "We don't know because it's different for everyone. You have to do what comes naturally. So go into a quite place and concentrate on Cole. Everything about him. Come back to me when you've figured it out."

I nodded my head at him, this feels like bullshit, but it also feel right at the same time.
I quickly made my way back to his office so I could figure this out.
I wasn't cut out for this werewolf life. I just wanted my mate.
Three hours later I had it figured out

I finally got it. I just had this strong sense and now we are on our way to cole.
I obviously have to walk, can't go into a wolf form. But there are some wolfs behind me and on the side of me, slowly following. Few people stayed in human form to help communicate with me, since I don't have the mind link.

I guide them through the twist and turns of the woods. Slowly making my way through. Felling it all out.

I stop dead in my tracks when I get super close to the place.
I turn around to look at the pack.

"Alright guys, this is it, good luck. Lets hope we can get cole back nice and easy." We all nodded and agreed although we knew we wouldn't get cole back easy at all.

We tuned to the edge of the woods. Ready to look out.

I made my way out and dropped my jaw at the sight.

My house. Cole got kidnapped and brought to my house.
My fucking house.

Thanks for reading! this isn't what I originally had planned for this chapter but oh well! I hope you like it, comment vote follow. Anything. And guys, if you want, my INSTAGRAM IS @_maiaaa__ or my secret account is @_secretlybroken__ thanks for reading! And my KIK is @team_gale_12 !!! Feedback appreciated.
love you guys

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