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Chapter 2

*1 week later*

Today was the finals. Our team has been training all week.
"We are almost there make sure you have everything." My mum tells us.
"Okay." Zayn and I say.
We decided to carpool together. Zayn, Trisha, my mum and I. Of course my dad had to work. Zayn's dad and the girls went to the movies for the day so they didn't have to come.
We arrived at the huge field Mullingar.
"I don't get why we have to play all the way out here!" Trisha says.
"That's because their rich and Bradford's not." I say.
We walk to our team.
"What's up." I ask them.
"Nothing much, but couch looks worried and the other team is looking at us weird." Adam says.
"Oh please. Just ignore them." I say.
"That one over there called Sam and Chase gay because they hugged each other." Max says.
"The one with the red hair." He says.
I look over to see the red head dribbling the ball.
"I'll be back." I say marching over there.
They call after me, but I ignore it.
"Hey you red head!" I call.
He looks up.
"What do you want?" He asks in a Scotland accent. Why is he playing for Mullingar then?
"Stop picking on my friends! Their not gay, so leave them alone!" I say.
"Oh really and why is a girl like you playing on this team anyway?" He ask smiling.
"I'm to good to play on any other team. I can ask you the same question. Why is a red head Scottish guy like yourself playing on a Mullingar team? Were you that bad that you needed to leave home and find a team that would take you?" I ask.
"Are you insulting my team?" He asks.
"No just you." I say.
"Good to see you too cuz." I hear a voice behind me.
I turn around and hug Justin.
"How is my favorite cousin?" He asks.
"I'm your only cousin and holy hotness." I say looking at a guy with blond hair and the brightest blue eyes.
"Oh you've got a crush." He says.
"What are you taking about? I was taking about uh how hot uh the weather is." I say.
"It's 60 degrees." He says.
"Yup! Got to go! Hope you lose!" I say.
"Um ok you too!" He yells back.
I run back to the team.
"Well then Ms. Johnson did you have fun over there." Coach asks me.
"I did." I say.
"Good. Ok team no matter what happens I love you for a great season. Now have fun out there ok?" Coach says.
We nod.
"GO FIREBIRDS!" We yell.
We take our spots on the field and the ref blows the whistle. The red head comes right at me and I duck and stick my foot out. He trips and falls over the ball. Causing Zayn to steal the ball and for Kyle to make a goal.
"Thats what you get for messing with my team wimp! BOOM!" I say very proud.
My team high fives me and laughs.
The game continues. It's the same old same old every time. They make 3 goals we make 1. The score was 4-10. Of course we were losing. The ref blew the whistle signaling team meeting.
"Okay guys we need to get that ball passed that goalie 7 times. Anyone got a plan because I'm all run out." Coach says.
"Coach don't you dare do that! We are going to win! I have a plan! Ok team don't pass the ball to me." I say.
"Why?" They ask.
"Just don't!" I say.
They nod. We run back to the field. The boys run for the ball. I run for the goalie.
"Hey look a naked girl!" I yell.
That catches him off guard. He turns and Greg kicks the ball in.
"YES!" I yell.
"Hey you tricked me!" He yelled.
"Did I now?" I ask sarcastically.
"She can't do that!" The other coach yells.
"Can't do what? Yell things that I feel like? It's not my fault your boys get distracted easily." I yell back.
The ref checks his rule book.
"She's right! It's not in the rules." He yells.
"I'm always right." I whisper to Zayn.
He laughs. The whistle blows and the boys run once again. I run to the goalie again.
"Hey goalie look at me I'm a player you can't be!" I sing. He turns around and falls losing his balance. The ball goes in once again.
2 down 5 to go!
"Eliot don't listen to her!" His coach yells.
"Hey Eliot can I ask you something? Can I talk to you for a minute? I said can I talk to for a minute. Can I just say the back of your hair is ridiculous!" I scream.
"What?" He asks looking my way.
Zayn kicks the ball in.
3 down 4 to go.
"ELIOT!" His couch yells.
"Eliot, Eliot, Eliot, what day is it? Eliot, Eliot, what day is it? HUMP DAY! WHOOP WHOOP!" I yell.
He laughs but catches the ball when Sam kicks it.
"Darn!" I whisper.
"O-M-G Eliot look at her butt!" I scream.
He turns to me with the stupidest look on his face. This time Sam kicks the ball and it goes in.
4 down 3 to go.
(tune to row row row your boat)
"My name is Mara your name is Eliot my teams going to win so um don't catch the ball!" I sing. He catches it!
"Poop!" I whispers.
"Give it up Mars. Your going to lose." Justin whispers. I punch him for the stupid nickname.
"We will see about that." I whisper back.
The ball comes to me. I stand there everyone to scared to come near me.
"Eliot I will CUT you if you catch this I WILL CUT YOU!" I say.
He looks scared and looks at his coach. His coach doesn't know what to say.
Eliot steps aside and I kick it in.
5 down 2 to go!
"I wasn't going to cut you Eliot, but thanks for letting me kick it in!" I say.
Zayn laughs when I grab the ball from Justin. I run to the goal and pass it to Max. He passes it to Sam and he passes it to Kyle. Kyle shoots and
"AHHH my knee!" I yell dropping to the ground.
Everyone looks this way. The ball goes in.
"GOOOOOAAAAALLLL!" I yell standing up and jumping around.
My team laughs. Oh I know I'm funny just stop! We're tied! We can do this.
"Oh please a girl can't do all of this!" The coach from the other team yells.
"Watch me!" I yell.
The ball is coming. The other team is sweating running at full force. Zayn falls, along with Kyle and red head.
The ball is punted and it's flying. There's only one way to make this go in. I know, I'll break my ankle for this, but I'll do it!
I run for the flying ball. I jump for the ball. I make a drive for it. I know I'll end up on the ground in pain. My right foot kicks the ball and it goes full force into the goal. I lose my balance land on the ground with a thud. I hear another thud. I look down to see the hot blond guy on the ground too. I'm on top of him. I get lost in his eyes and he looks at me. He's beautiful! Justin helps us up.
"Nice move cuz." He says.
"Thanks." I say.
"Sorry did I hurt you?" I ask the hot blond.
"Maybe my arm when you fell. It's ok though." He says.
"I'm really sorry about that-" I say.
"Niall Horan. It's fine. Really good game." He says.
"Thanks Niall I'm Mara. Good game."
I limp over to my team. They lift me up and hand me the trophy. They chant my name. Zayn hugs me and soon the whole team joins in.
"Amazing game Mara. The game ball goes to you. Please get that ankle checked out." Coach yells.
"Okay Coach." I yell.
Zayn carries me to the car.
"We are staying at Justin's house tonight." My mum says. She sounds a bit scared.
"Okay mum is there something else?" I ask.
"He's having his team over for a sleepover." She says.
"AWESOME!" I yell.
"Yes guys!" Zayn yells.
I roll my eyes.
Well here comes a fun night! :)

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