Kyle XY

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Can I just say? Best. ABC family. show. EVER! (No offense to fans of other shows)

I first got into Kyle XY months ago. When I saw the cover, a guy lifting up a shirt, I thought it was just like Teen Wolf (If you read my previous chapters you'll see I don't really like Teen Wolf. I like Styles and Lydia, though?)

But one day my cousin brought home the Season one DVD and I thought 'Why not?'

We all know about Albert Einstein's contribution to science, some say he experimented with artificial birth. Scientist said he was held longer in his Mothers womb, giving him more time to develop.

After his death, scientist tries to continue the experiment. They got woman to sign up for it. Yeah...only one baby survived...Adam Baylin.
But that baby continued the experiment. He created an artificial womb, so there would be no need for a Mother and no umbilical cord, and as a result, the child would not have a belly button. The original purpose of the experiment was noble, but more people came and turned it around. They kicked Baylin out, but left the child made from his DNA there. Inside the artificial womb, the developing human stole all the files of the experiment, and was marked for termination. But one day, he escaped...

This show has really opened up my eyes, its something you'd never expect. Its like a science fiction, but deep down its really about family and the people you love. Wanting to protect them, and the little decisions that make the difference.

My favourite characters are Andi and Jessi (who were both introduced to the show in season two) Andy because she's really cool. I like her personality, her style and how she didn't let the cancer get to her. Also, she has two Moms (literally) and I like that because I think that some girls today do too.
Jessi because she is basically a match for Kyle, and when you get past her drive and stubbornness, and the fact that she killed someone...she's a really nice person. I guess. I like her all the same.

The thing I like best about it though were the songs. Like when Kyle healed Andi's cancer...

Or Lori's prom song...

Or the song that played when Jessi jumped off a cliff! :D

This show has always been special, but unfortunately, Kyle XY fans couldn't save it from being cancelled...:(

Good thing there's showbox! But anyways check out this show! You won't regret it!

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