No no no no no no no no NO!!!

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WARNING: This chapter is going to be very violent. Please skip if you wish to do so.

What is this?

What the frick is this?!



No. This is not...I-I...oh my...*faints* *lights dim*

*light comes on again*

Me: *sitting at a conference with the person who did this to them with crossed arms and legs* Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

Person: *doesn't respond*

Me: *gets up* I said, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?????

Person: *still doesn't respond* *nervous sweat*

Me: ANSWER MEEEE!!!! *flips over table*

Person: *hides behind cabinet*

Me: *stomps over to them* *about to punch* Oh, you're not worth it! *pushes person away*

Person: *scrambles out of office*

Me: *takes out life size doll of person* That's better! *clears throat* WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU????? *throws at wall* Why would you do this to them???!! *breaks glass on head* *clutches shirt and screaming into face* WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????? *throws out window* *hits doll continuously up against a tree* WHY??! WHY??! WHY??! WHY??! WHY??! WHYYYY??! *puts down doll and brushes off skirt*

Me: Okay, I-I'm...I'M NOT OKAY!! THE POWERPUFF GIRLS WAS MY FAVOURITE CARTOON EVER! I would draw them, and...colour them, and sing their songs and...and...I EVEN HAD A BUBBBLES DOLL! WHYYYY???? *goes into a fit of hysterical crying*

The new Powerful Puff Girls show is garbage! GARBAGE!!!

Me: *throws a dart at dart board with picture of the new Powerpuff Girls on it*

Dart: *misses dart board and hits wall*

Me: *throws another dart*

Dart: *hits the edge of the picture*

Me: *frustrated* *throws a butcher knife at dartboard*

Knife: *hits the middle*

Dart board: *slices in half*

Me: Better!...But-but...I want the old Power Puff Girls back! The new one is SO, SO bad! Blossom is...*HEAVE*...such a...*HEAVE*
...compulsive neat freak! Buttercup
...*HEAVE*...acts so...*HEAVE*...female dog-ish! And Bubbles*HEAVE*...Bubbles...*Sobs* They ruined her-er-er!!! She was my favourite!!! I...I want her ba-ha-hack!

I was...*waha*...watching....some of the reviews on YouTube...*HEAVE*...and they said that...*HEAVE*...the only thing they got from the old one was...*cry-talking*...that Blossom was the leader and that Buttercup was the angry one! *wails* THAT IS SO NOT TRU-HOO-HOO!

Miss Bellum was... *sob* ...removed cause...*sniffs*...she was found OFFENSIVE! *cry-talking again* And she was my favourite character, aaaaahh!!

And the original voice actresses aren't there! *waaaaahh!* They weren't even consulted! Tara Strong was *sniff* so upset!

And the memes? Why memes???!! (By the way, how do you pronounce that is it may-may, mee-mee or meem?)

And why were they TWER-HER-KING???! :,( Its wrong to have a good body but twerking is okay?? Why, Cartoon Network, WHYYYYY?????!!

And Craig McCracken *sniff* must be *sniff* so upset! And people keep asking him if he's involved when he's not! He says he *sniff* doesn't own it anymore, they *whimper* BELONG TO CARTOON NETWORK NOW!!!

My childhood has been thrown on the street, run over by cars and left in the dirt to rot! *kicks rock* IT HURTS! IT HURTS SO BAD!!! *runs outside wailing* WHAT A WORLD! WHAT A WER-HER-HERLD!!


Hey, guys, sorry for this chapter *sniff* I'm just so angry and upset. I actually cried writing this. Yes, I actually care about an old cartoon where Little girls have superpowers. Why else would I write this chapter? Sorry If anyone found this offensive, I'm just letting out emotions the best way I know how...writing.

This reboot isn't that bad, but its not good. I think the anime was okay, but they made Blossom boy-crazy, Buttercup was too tomboyish, and, she was okay.

But *wipes nose* right now I'm so worn out. I think I'm gonna go on YouTube and watch some of the original episodes to feel better. *hugs pillow*

*I apologise for any offense I may have put towards the person who is making the new Power Puff Girls.

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