Chapter 14

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My parents were really worried for me at first, but after the intial hate from the media and constant questions from the paps, I got used to it. It wasn't easy, far from it, but I had an amazing family and an amazing best friend to get me through it. I ended up putting school on hold and I decided that when I picked it up again it would be a homeschooling course. Now, 9 months down the track, I had been induced to have a c-section. To be honest, I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea what to expect and no idea what I was going to do once the baby was... well... out of me. I was only 16 for crying out loud! Niall had been my saviour through the entire experience, coming with me to every ultrasound and holding my hand through it all. I knew deep down that even if he wasn't my real uncle, he would always be there for me. He is my guy best friend, even if he is like 20 years older than me.

Now, lying out on a gurney, it was time to face my fear. Niall was on one side of me, Toby on the other and Chloe was anxiously lingering between them. None of us were ready for this kind of situation, let alone for it to happen to me. I was told repetitively that I would be ok and I had nothing to worry about, but I was worrying regardless.

The cold white walls of the room made me shiver and the huge green curtain of hospital material shielded my lower half from everyones view. I certainly didn't want to see my insides and I doubt anyone else did either. I was told the procedure one last time before it began. A cold numbing sensation pierced my lower stomach and spread until I had no idea what the doctors were doing to me, but I knew that they were doing something. After only 10 minutes I could see the midwife's eyes light up and she smiled at me before lifting up a small screaming figure that I then realised was mine. My child. She gently wrapped the child in a blanket before handing it over to me.

"It's a boy."

I had never felt such joy as I did when I looked down into my baby's eyes. They were round and blue, just like my fathers and he had a small amount of brown hair that was stuck to his head. I could feel my eyes begin to water just looking at his face which was now calm and in awe. I couldn't help but be proud that I got to be his mother. In my state of admiration they could've told me anything, but I managed to get that I would be there for another 30-50 minutes. I was asked if I needed anything and I was totally blank, but Toby spoke up for me asking for a damp washer or a baby wipe to clean my little boy with. The nurse quickly acted on his request, coming back a few minutes later with a damp washer, box of wipes and a fresh blanket. Toby put his hands out and I reluctently handed my baby over, watching as he gently cleaned him, Mum nappied him and Chloe dressed him in a little blue romper. He was then handed back to me and I gratefully took him, hugging him close to me again as he snuggled in closer and his eyes fluttered shut.

"He's beautiful." Mum said, totally in awe. It was only then that I really noticed her and Dad had joined us. I looked down at my little boy again and I couldn't keep the smile off of my lips.

"What are you gonna name him?" Niall asked, causing me to think. I had thought of names a little bit before, but I hadn't really decided on anything.

"I... I'm not sure." I said truthfully, studying his face closely. I loved the name James and I wanted to name him partly after Niall but at the same time I didn't think that would be acceptable as a first name. Then I thought of something.

"Henry James." I stated proudly, watching as Chloe's eyes brimmed with happy tears and her face lit up. Mum gave me a puzzled look and I decided to explain.

"When Chloe and I were in kindergarten there was a boy in our class named Henry and Chloe fancied him but she was too shy tell him. So I told her, if she told him then I would name my first baby Henry." I giggled.

"So, you told him?" Toby asked her, teasingly.

"Nope!" she exclaimed, joining me in laughter.

"But I am a loyal friend. And Henry will always remind me of our beautiful friendship." I smiled at Chloe who then proceeded to 'awww' and give me a half-hug. 

"And the James part?" Dad asked, winking at me.

"That part is dedicated to Niall. For being an amazing Uncle and friend, even if you aren't biologically my uncle. You always will be Uncle Ni in my eyes." I smiled at him. He mimicked Chloe and gave a little squeal of excitement, running over and gently throwing his arms around me, being careful to keep Henry unharmed. We all laughed and he let go, giving me a sincere smile and kissing my forehead.

"Thank you Sophia Rose, it is an absolute honour. And it makes up for that time when you ate my chips." He smirked. I was confused. Chips? I'd never steal his food... I knew how much he loved his food. Mum stifled a laugh and Dad was trying so hard not to smile.

"Shame.. you don't remember. At least you learnt your lesson! And we're even now." Niall smiled, gesturing for him to hold Henry.

"Henry James. Louis' first grandson."

Henry James- Part 3 of the 'An Insane Situation' trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now