Chapter 2

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"I'm pretty sure that my family is keeping secrets from me," I stated while making a coffee mixed with chocolate chip syrup for one of the customers to Chloe.

"Well with all of the stories that you've told me about your family, I'm pretty sure it's all just to keep you safe," Chloe replied while taking orders from customers.

"Sure, maybe that's the case but we're family. We're supposed to be communicating about these things!" I reasoned with her. Chloe has been like my big sister. She's been giving me advices here and there and she's never failed to help me.

"Jade, you're only sixteen. Maybe they're waiting for you to mature more and I know that you think you're mature enough but maybe it's bigger than you think it is. Like you said, you're parents are very secretive and maybe that's because there's a reason to it. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to risk your daughter being in danger of some deadly secret? Or would you keep that secret to keep your daughter safe?" Chloe looked me in the eyes like she always does when she's trying to get out her point.

"Yeah I guess you're right but it's just really bugging me," I frowned and gave the coffee flavoured chocolate chip cookie to a tall handsome man with his shades on. He looked a little bit intimidating but I just tried to ignore the thought of him.

"Just try and not think about it. Your parents would want you to be a normal teenager just like everyone else. Even though you're not really close to them, just try and make sure that their wish would stay like that. The way you are," Chloe gave me one of her charming smiles while her right hand was on my shoulder.

The door to our coffee shop bursted open and here is the lovely and "innocent" Sofia.

"Hi Mrs. Chang! Can I volunteer to help out the shop please?" She pleaded with her.

"Alright but make sure to follow what Chloe says, I don't want you're peppy little face to get dirty with beans," Mrs. Chang laughed and went back to helping us out serve the customers.

"This face will remain flawless!" Sofia saluted and headed over our way "hello!" She greeted us with a peace sign and cheery smile.

"Hello cupcake!" Chloe greeted and squished her cheeks. Sofia gladly obliged and the two of then started acting cute together. Since the two are busy doing whatever they're doing. I took over the cashier and took people's orders.

"Hello! Welcome to Bean's what can I get for you today?" I greeted the customers with a big smile "One Coffee Bubble Tea with Tapioca!" I yelled over to Sofia and she saluted over to me and started making the order.

Bean is actually a coffee shop/ restaurant. It's a small restaurant but a lot of people come here. It's a coffee shop 24/7 but we only open the restaurant at weekdays. I'm not really close to the chef but it seems that Chloe is. She works full time here and her university is just close by so sometimes I try to visit her when she's not too busy. Red and Chloe get along really well because they went to military school together for high school. I don't really know Chloe's full story and I don't want to push it. Sometimes friends need to have some boundaries from each other and I respect her space.

Zac one of our chef works here part time. There are only 3 cooks in this place but Zac and Bennet is taking lessons from our real chef Reid.

"Hey Jade," Zac called out to me. It's actually really rare for us to talk to each other.

"Oh, hey Zac," I gave him a small smile.

"One of my friends are throwing a party, Chloe said she's coming. Do you wanna come too? Don't worry, it's a safe party. Not the ones that has fights and whores making out all over the place," Zac laughed and I laughed with him.

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