(CH2) Let's Kill Tonight: Part 1

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Chapter 2. Let's Kill Tonight: Part 1


I woke up because of my loud alarm playing "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day, I grabbed it and turned the volume down, set it back down on my nightstand, and checked the time. It happened to be 9:13am on a Saturday morning in September. Day 2 of hanging out with 2 of my favorite bands.

I got out of bed and went to my dresser, picked out my outfit I already decided the night before, and went to the bathroom. Since my hair was golden brown and I was getting kinda bored with it, I decided to cut some of my hair off to make bangs, and to dye some of it.

 When I was done I walked out in a No Doubt t-shirt (A/N There's an image of it on the side in the multimedia), red jeans, white converses, with some makeup on, and looked in the mirror. I also decided to only dye my bangs blood red, and my tips\ends orange fading into blood red. I thought it looked so cool!! I then grabbed my phone, put it in my pocket, and walked downstairs to the sound of cartoons and the smell of coffee.

"Good morning.." I poured myself some coffee and didn't get a response. I left my coffee on the kitchen counter and walked around looking for everyone, and I only found my 13 year old younger sister and Jack's 14 year old sister, Nae, in the living room, eating cereal while having their eyes glued to the television. I remember Ava telling me that she was having Nae sleepover today in her room last night, so I guess she came early. I also guess my parents had to go to work today.

"Good morning." I say, trying to get their attention but it doesn't work. I say it a bit louder but that doesn't seem to work either. I give up and walk back into the kitchen to get some breakfast, while I'm searching for my favorite cereal, I hear them both yell a 'Good morning' in unison and the television turn off.

When I'm in the middle of eating cereal, I hear the doorbell ring. I sigh and get up to go answer it, seeing Ava (my younger sister that was watching cartoons) and Nae going upstairs. I walk to the front door and open it to see my band members, all of the members of Paramore, and My Chemical Romance. I never imagined I would have these 2 bands at my house! I guess Jack invited them over. Jack answered my thoughts, "I invited them over, can we come in?" I stepped aside so they could, once everyone was inside I closed the door and locked it.

Nae came downstairs and she instantly looked shocked. I mean, I would too if I saw 2 bands that I liked in my house. "What are they doing here?" She stopped grinning and raised her eyebrow. Jack decided to answer,  "Remember when I told you that we were going on tour soon with 2 other bands?" "Yes..?" "Well, these are the 2 other bands. We're going to spend time with them until we go on tour, which is in 2 weeks." Her jaw dropped and she attacked Mikey with a hug, he didn't look too happy considering he's a bit shy especially around people he doesn't know, but he happened to open up yesterday since he already knew of us.

"Nae get off him.." Jack sighed and blushed, I was trying not to laugh but was failing. Once she let go of him, I burst out laughing, most of MCR and Paramore were laughing too, mostly everyone except for Jack, and Mikey. Nae shrugged it off, waved, said bye and went upstairs, Mikey blushed, "Aw, it's okay Moikey, at least she didn't yell at you." Gerard said while putting his arm around Mikey's shoulders. Some of the laughing stopped but some of us were still giggling, I saw Mikey's mouth move but I couldn't hear what he said.

Once everyone stopped laughing, Jack facepalmed, and said sorry to Mikey, which he nodded to, so I guess he accepted it. "So, what were you guys thinking of doing today?" I ask everyone, they all say multiple things at the same time like 'going shopping' or 'going out to eat' or 'watching a movie.'

"One at a time!" They all stop and I gesture for Gerard to speak first, "Uh, we could go to the library, then Starbucks?" I thought about it for awhile, then gestured for Mikey to speak. He barely said above whisper the same places Gerard said. I nod and gesture for the other person to speak, and so on.. I stop after asking Josh, and tell everyone where we're going even if they might not agree with it.

"Okay okay, I've made up my mind.." They all turn their attention to me, "We're gonna go to Barnes And Noble, then Starbucks, then Target, then Apple Bee's, then the movie theater, then the park, then finally we all go home, enless you wanna sleep over at one of our houses." I finished and finally breathed, everyone nodded. It did sound like a good plan to me, and seemed like it did to everyone else also.

"So who's driving?" Everyone started talking again trying to decide, and after a couple of minutes Alexander said he wanted to since he just received his license and wants to use it. I agreed and went upstairs to get my jacket, I looked around my room for it and when I finally saw it I grabbed it. Just before heading backstairs, I stopped in front of my sister's bedroom door, Nirvana was blasting, how did I not hear this downstairs?

Knocking wouldn't have worked, so I just opened her door. As soon as they saw me Ava turned the music down, "May I help you?" She sounded a little mad. I closed the door, "We're about to leave, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" She put her hand on her chin and thought for a minute, while Nae jumped up and down saying "YES YES, just let me get my coat!" while grinning, I nodded and turned my head towards Ava waiting for her answer.

"But Nae, I thought we were having a sleepover." She turned her head towards Nae and they both sighed, I just stood there waiting for a clear answer from both of them. Ava looked back at me and sighed, "I don't wanna go, but Nae can." I nodded, opened the door, and walked downstairs right after she said that. After a while, Nae came down with her coat on.

Once Mikey saw her, his eyes went wide, he pushed his glasses up and instantly stood tall. Nae laughed, "Don't worry Mikey, I won't attack you with a hug anymore." She smiled, "Promise?" "No." and that smile turned into an evil grin. Mikey looked terrified, and Frank high fived her and we finally walked out. Before I closed the door I shouted a goodbye then closed and locked it. This is going to be fun!



So what'd you think? I tried not to include Ava into the chapter that much(unlike what I was going to do at first), because if I did than I'd have to make her a lead character, put her on the cast list, and get someone to play her part, & not to include too many details. ^___^

What do you think about the writing so far? I think my writing making it out to be a story about them all going to high school, instead of getting to know each other before going on tour. (Especially on Part 2 of v___v)

As you can see, I decided to introduce @SurprisedDisaster's character. I'm going to try and make her out to be like Frank. Hyper, funny, loving, etc. And even if it's obvious that @SurprisedDisaster loves Gerard, I may set her up with Frank in the story (enless someone gives me another idea). ^_^

If you don't know where the name for this chapter came from or what it means, it's a song title for a song by Panic! At The Disco, and that's the only song I thought would work as the name. Plus if you wanna listen to that song, there's a video on the side! =D

By the way, the shirt that Fiona wore (check multimedia for picture) was for their summer tour in 2009 so that hasn't even happened in this story, but whatever, I love the shirt. :P Bye, hope you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy Part 2, especially since it's going to be so long! =3

Touring in 2005 (Paramore & My Chemical Romance) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now