Chapter 3: The Team

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"Are you guys going to practice after school?" Renee ask us as we walk into the school.
"Yeah," I respond," but I'm still going to Nolan's party tonight." I look at a blushing Kylie.
"I still can't believe that he asked you out," Allison says, I can still hear her excitement. I think part of it was from seeing Lucas this morning.
"This morning Lucas said that he may like you. All I could from him was a maybe, but he was blushing so..." My voice trailed off as soon as saw a smile on Allison's face.
"Allison might get lucky tonight with the man of her dreams!" Kylie says, her voice changing from high to low. "I know I am."
We all laugh at what she said, and split the group of four into two groups. Allison and I, and Renee and Kylie. Allison and I walked into calculus, dreading the work waiting for us.
We took our seats at the back of the class, near the other popular seniors, who were talking about last nights basketball game against the Danton Dashers.
"Good job last night ladies!" Mark high fives us as he makes his way to the seat behind us.
"Especially that amazing three from the one and only Clara Ivanov," Zack congratulates me, which caused me to blush.
"Thank you Zack."
"Always there for my girl!" He replies. Zack was the happiest person that I have ever known. He was kind, sweet and cared for you, just like an older brother, that's why everybody calls him their brother.
"Good morning students!" Ms. Salenov announced, kicking the doorstop out from under the door, letting the door slam against the door frame. "I hope you all completed your essay on the Romantic Period if writing, if not then I will give you till four o'clock this afternoon."
I pull the three-paged essay from my binder, and passed forward to the desk in front of me.
"So now that is done," she says picking up the papers from each desk in the front row. "I would like to announce that all AP English Literature teachers have decided for you to read Ray Bradbury books."
Everyone moaned. It was painful to have to read a book on the last few weeks of school.
"Who's Ray Bradbury?" Someone in the front row asked.
"Who is Ray Bradbury? Well he is one of the best authors! Amazing at writing books with a dark theme, they may not be romantic, but they are dark, and by the end of this semester I bet you'll have read every single book that he has written." Ms. Salenov wasn't the youngest teacher at Broadington Worth, but she was the prettiest teachers at the school, she was- I mean she is the best teacher I've ever had.
"So I will give you each a list of his books that you would personally like. So what that means is that I created a customized list for each and every one of you," she pauses, reaching to pick up the lists, "I will call your name and you will come and receive the list."
She began calling out names, Zack James, Andy Griffin, Jaime Sands. But I wasn't listening, I was thinking. Thinking about how I want my best friends to fall in love, but I haven't let myself. Maybe it's because I'm always busy with Dad's parties or I'm at some sort basketball event, but it would be nice just to let myself love someone and let some on-
"Miss Ivanov," Ms. Salenov interrupts my thinking.
"Yes," I say, unaware of what was going on. You see, I'll know what is going on around me and then I just go off into another world, or my thoughts just take control, and I completely space out. It's until I finally snap out it, and I have no idea of what's going on.
"Your paper," someone laughs.
"Oh," I get up and get the paper and sit back down.
The Veldt, All Summer In A Day, Fahrenheit 451 and The Illustrated Man. I read the four books on my list, and secretly I hoped they all had movies that I could watch, but anything that we read in this class barely ever had a movie to it.
"Let me see your list," Allison takes the list from my hands, and looks between hers and mine.
"Shit," she huffs.
"We have none of the same books," she moans. Allison sits back down, giving me my list. "I wanted to read the books with you, but I guess I can't," she slumps over, and puts the list back in her bag.
"Miss King, the reason for this assignment was to have you all not cheat off each other, that being said let us talk about where to find these books. The school has most of them, or you can get them on your iPads, but either way I do want a summary on each chapter," there was another wave of moans throughout the classroom.
"But for today's lesson, I want you to look up Ray Bradbury and do a report on him," Ms. Salenov claps her hands together, and begins to pass a rubric out to all the students.

The bell had finally rang for school to let out, but for the Girls and I that meant two hours of pure conditioning and basketball drills. On Wednesdays the usually does a lot of scrimmages and team exercises, but this was Friday and we had to go back to our conditioning.
I walked into the locker to find Renee and Kylie talking about Nolan, and Allison- well I didn't see Allison.
"Hey," I say opening the lock to my locker. Then I pulled out the long basketball shorts, and a Nike basketball shirt.
"Where's Allison?" Kylie finally asks. Renee's face changed into the 'you didn't know' expression. "She and your brother," Renee points to me, "left school right after lunch, I saw them with my own eyes," she says, with a confident tone.
"Lucas is so dead," I mumble.
"And Allison!" Kylie yells, "Coach Carter will be so pissed!"
"Hall!" Coach Carter yelled.
Kylie turned around. It was almost like a sketch from a cartoon were the person slowly turns around to face authority.
"Yes Coach Carter," Kylie said, her voice trembling.
"Why will I be so pissed off at King?" Coach Carter asked. Kylie, who's hand was already shaking.
"She and Lucas Ivanov ditched after lunch."
"Well Hall, you're right I'm pretty pissed off, but that doesn't mean you ladies can't have practice. Get going! 5 minutes or else suicides for the whole practice!" She announced to the whole locker room.
I took my shirt off and pulled the other over my head, and did the same with skirt and basketball shorts.

"Ladies!" Coach Carter yelled, her voice echoing throughout the gym. "I want Hall, Ivanov, Callaghan, Rudolf and Sanchez on the base line!" We all scramble to get on the line, and once we're standing on the line, she begins to call out another five names.
"Rucker, Torres, Roberts, James and Went, stand right next to the Ivanov!" They all run, and the wing of their line stands next to me. "I want you ladies to run from this baseline to the other baseline in less than 10 seconds, if you all make it before my stop watch goes off, then we will do scrimmages and 5 horses, if one person doesn't make then the whole team must condition," she says.
All the girls on the baseline got into a ready position. We all waited for the screeching of the whistle. Then it came, every girl on that line sprinted as fast as they could, luckily I was in the front of everybody, and we all did make it in the time limit.
"Ivanov grab the pennies!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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