5- Friday

11 3 0

Collin's POV

As the weeks went on, I started to notice changes around me. 

I no longer see my friends as much as before. Eva and Henry seemed to find their way to each other. They hadn't told us that they are officially together, but I think we all noticed their closeness. Another change, I wasn't hanging out with the gang as much anymore. Casey and I started to hang out, but separately. Just her and me. Being that we had a lot of classes together, she tended to ask me to help her with a lot, so I found that a lot of my spare time was taken up by her presence.

And because of this, I didn't really see Charlie. Between her busy schedule of art deadlines, track, and homework and my schedule of helping out Casey, soccer practice, and my own homework we had no time to see each other. Even on the weekends. Either, I would be busy getting something done that was way passed it's due date or she would be locked away in her mind of art in her garage turned art studio.

At first, it never really bothered me, not being with her all the time. I brushed it off as the both of us just being busy, wrapping up loose ends for the end of the school year. But, after sometime, it started to nag me in my mind, telling me to talk to her, to approach her, to do something to at least be near her. I finally caved in to the nagging and went to the art room, where I knew she would be during lunch.

But, when I got to the door, I turned right back around. Because, through the little window of the door, I could see exactly who she was with.


And in my mind, as I walked away, I remembered what Charlie had had said about Marcy's reminder about our love lives. Maybe, it was time for me to take a step back and let her get closer to this new guy. Although I don't really know him that personally, I was guessing, or maybe more like hoping, that he wasn't like any of the guys who are already in this school.

And once I left the school, to go to our sitting area outside, I shoved all thoughts of Charlie to the back of my mind and put an easy smile on my face. I sat with everyone and let lunch pass with easy conversation with Casey and Marcy. 

Towards the end of lunch, Casey's demeanor changed. "Um, Collin? Could I talk to you privately?" She asked me shyly, which is very unlike her. Marcy and I shared a confused look and I turned my head back to her, nodding.

"Sure, let's talk as we head in then." I said and she nodded in response. We both collected our things, said bye to everyone and left.

"So, what's up?" I asked her. She let out a shaky sighed, then stopped and turned to me. I stopped and waited for her to say whatever was on her mind.

"I know that this is really sudden, and all. But, I kind of have a crush on you." She blurted out. I froze to this confession. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped, too. She noticed my shock and tried to amend her words.

"I'm sure that you don't really like me, at least not in that way, but I just wanted to know is you would give me a chance. I'm not asking for anything, just maybe a chance to go on a date sometime, or something." She babbled. But, I still could recover from my surprise, and I guess she didn't take this right. Her face turned red and and she looked down awkwardly.

"I'm sorry. This is really sudden, I get it y-" She started, but I finally recovered my vocal cords.

"Don't say sorry." I blurted out and she looked back up at me, surprised. I cleared my throat and tried again.

"I mean, yeah. I'm pretty surprised. Though,  I don't really sure about my feelings for you." I admitted. She nodded and gave me a tight lipped smile.

"Well, could you give me a chance?" She asked, shyly. I nodded.

"I mean, sure. When are you free?" I asked her. Her lips bursted into a bright smile and told me Friday. I nodded and we continued to walk into the school.

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