Sleep is for the weak

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It's been a week since I last talked to Henry, but we have seen each other a lot, he winks at me every time I see him...he flirts without words.

I find it quite unnerving, with all his smirking and winking and occasional butt grabbing.

I am laying in bed at 3 am thinking of how in a hour I have to get up but I don't want too... I much rather stay in bed and sleep but sleep seems to be staying away from me since I have not slept in 3 days....I have barley eaten longer...maybe 5 days? I don't remember, I have really only been drinking water or ale.

I have training today with some new guys, I have to see what they are made of and make them into fighters.

I just wish I could maybe get a few hours of sleep...

I get up and dress forgetting anymore ideas of sleep.

'Oh well sleep is for the weak.' I say to myself as I get dressed.

I head out to the area where we train and start warming up my muscles so I don't cramp up later on.

My friend Charles walks up to me with a concerned look on his face.

"What is it?" I say feeling snappy.

"Are you okay Keegan? You don't look too good, did you get enough sleep?"

"I'm fine I just haven't had much sleep lately."

"How much sleep have you had?"


"In how long?"

"This makes day 4."


"Shut up, people are still sleeping."

"Go back to bed and I will see to the new men."

"No it's fine! I can do this!"

"The King will be upset if anything happens to you!"

"What should it matter to him!"

"Of course it does! He loves you!"

"How would you know!?!"

"It's obvious to everyone."

"Shut up."

"Keegan, how long has it been since you last had something to eat?"

"I don't really remember."

"Well let me tell you, 6 days!"

'Has it really been that long?' I think to myself.

"I'm fine!"

I walk away from him to pick up the wood swords for practice when I feel light headed, my vision goes blurry and I feel my body get light then I feel myself being pulled to the ground as everything goes black......


"Is she going to be okay Doctor?" A voice that I think I know says.

"She will be just fine let her rest your Highness." Someone that I don't know says.

'Your highness!?!' I think to myself.

"Thank you old friend." The voice that sounds of Henry says.

My eyes won't open....I feel myself falling back into the blackness.....

I wake a little but I still can't open my eyes, I felt someone Lift me a little and feed me pea soup and water. I fall back into the blackness.....

I am finally able to open my eyes, though I still feel tired.... I sit upon the bed, I am in.....the Kings room....

I sit on the edge looking about till I put my head in my hands.  I lift up my head and look at my body to find I am wearing a white night dress... "Great someone saw me naked" I say aloud to myself .

I go to stand up but the moment I am standing I fall back into the bed, exhausted I lay back down.

Henry steps into the room looking concerned, I look into his blue eyes for a moment letting myself get lost in them the cool pools of ocean blue before I take a interest in the floor.

"You had me worried Love." He says with that smooth as bourbon voice that seems to wake every inch of my body.

"I am fine....I didn't need help." I say with deep stubbornness.

"Fine!?! You were fine!!! You nearly killed yourself! You went days without eating a single thing! You went days without sleep! I almost fucking lost you!!!!" He screams at me like a mad man.

"It's not a big deal."

"That it! You are not to leave this room till you can properly take care of yourself!"

"No! I have duties to take care of!"

"No!?! Did you just tell me no!?!"

"Yes I did!"

"You are not to leave this room till I say other wise! And that will be a long time!" He yells as he marches out of the room in a rage.

I huff then lay back on the bed annoyed at Henry for being such a douche.

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