Remembering the past.

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"What the hell?" I wake up with a world crushing headache.

I sit up looking around to see that I am in a room that I have never seen before..

"Fuck." I whisper.

I realize I am naked!

"Not again!" I feel déjà vu sitting in.

I recall what happened yesterday.

Marry and I had gone to a pub to celebrate my new job, we ordered, more whiskey...scotch, I made a joke about scotch and Scottish men, then more beer, I was bombed drunk, I don't really remember who I had left with but I remember mind blowing sex.

"Who the hell did I fuck?" I say out loud.

"The name is Henry Peterson."

I look up to see-.......impossible....he looks just like Henry...same face same blue eyes same hair color...this makes no sense.

"I'm afraid I never got your  name ms?"


"Ms.Fox. Do you have a first name?"

"I have to leave...I have to get to work."

I jump out of the bed then quickly find my clothes and dress fast. After a number of one night stands I have learned to dress quickly.

After I am dressed I grab my bag and run out the door.

I take a cab to work.

Mr. Smith my new boss shows me to my desk which I share with a reporter. I learned that Mr. Smith is Marry's brother, she is probably why I got the job.

"So Ms. Fox this is your desk and typewriter, and the desk against yours is our best reporter, he is late but a damn good journalist, he was probably out late last night fucking some woman."

"Thank you again for the job."

"Your welcome, just don't let me down, your assignment is on your desk." He says as he walks away.

I sit in the wood chair and look around my desk, it's a nice clean desk the other desk is a mess!

I turn on my lamp then grab the folder with my assignment in it.

I have to write article....fuck. No wonder I was given the job.

I get started on it.

About 16 minutes later someone sits at the other desk, I look up and am shocked to see its the hookup I had last night...shit.

"Hello again ms. Fox."

"Umm hi..." I look back down at my work.

"So your name is Keegan Fox."

"How the hell did you know?"

"Jim told me your full name."


"I see we will be seeing a lot of each other."

"I guess."

I space off for a moment remembering when I had stood out by a tree looking at his window an he had caught me...but he had been waiting....


"You knew it was me?" I say surprised.

"Of course I knew."

"I thought you went to sleep."

"No, I have been waiting for you to show up out here for 2 months now."

"You have?"

"Yes...every night I stand at that window waiting for you."


"I love you Keegan."

End of flashback.

I wonder how long he waited for me to return to him....him and I seem to be like boomerangs, no matter how far life throws us we return to each....only now I can't....

"Keegan are you okay?"

"What?" I say looking up.

"You are crying. Are you okay?"

I wipe my eyes to find I really was crying..... I run my hands though my short hair...

I get up and go up to the roof to have alone time. I let the tears fall as the cool English breeze hits my face.

'What have I done!?! could I leave him!?! I loved him damn it... I let my fear get in the way of my love for him.' I think as I am sobbing.

I slam my fist down against the brick, anger raises in my soul....I hate myself....but I can't go back... I changed history already too much...I can't return.

I scream at the sky.

"Why!?! Damnit! Why!?!" My words are the words of a mad woman...

I feel arms wrap around me.

"'s okay....its okay to cry." It's Henry Peterson! I don't understand why he is doing this, what should he care.

"When you are calm you can tell me what is wrong."

After about 10 minutes I am calm.

He turns me around so I am facing him, he doesn't let me go.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to cry."

"It's okay Darling. Now please tell me what is wrong."

"I lost someone a long time ago....I broke his heart...and he is gone because of me..."

"I'm sure it's not your fault."

"Yes it is...I thought he was better off without me but I was wrong...and now there is no returning to him...."

"It's okay, Keegan, it's alright, I am sure he knew that you cared deeply for him. There is no point in staying in the past, it's okay to move forward. We all have lost in love....the only thing we can do is move forward and hope to be reunited with the one we love."

"But I can't be reunited with him! He is dead!"

I run away from Henry Peterson back into the building.

I get back to writing the article when he returns to his desk, we work without saying a word to each other.

After I finish the article I grab my red leather jacket that I took with me from his's my reminder of him.

"Keegan Fox."

"Yes, Henry Peterson?"

"Would you like to go and get a drink with me?"

"Are you asking me as a co-worker? Or are you asking me on a date?"

"A date. Now what do you say?"


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