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High school. All the work was piling up and I was up to my ears with it. Only a week to go before I graduate. I was tired to say the least.

What better place to study than Starbucks? I mean free wifi and lots of caffeine to keep me going. I had been here for an half of an hour but since it was near campus, mostly students worked here, all in which I know. So on their break they'd come and converse with me.

The door opened before closing, followed by a few gasps and whispering. I was too focused on my work to pay attention to what was going on.

Feeling someone watching me, I looked up - not expecting Justin Bieber - but it didn't bother me as I carried on with her work. But what did make me shocked was when he came and sat at in front of me.

"Hey, I'm Justin," he said with a little smirk.

"I know who you are. I'm Roselynn but I prefer Rose," I smiled at him before continuing to research.

Justin Bieber - the most successful youngest CEO. He's a self made multi-millionaire, possibly a billionaire. He started out as a pop singer and had millions of beliebers. Justin is also a 'fuck boy' and 'womaniser'. He is known for getting around and he gets away with it but hey you can do anything with money. Oh, how can I forget his Greek god sculpture - he's beyond beautiful or hot. Whatever you want to say.

I looked up to see Justin staring at me with no shame, a slight smirk on his face. I furrowed my brows before looking back down.

"What?" I asked after he just continued to watch me. "Nothing. I'm just enjoying the view," he spoke smoothly causing my lips to turn up and my cheeks to flush slightly red.

"Shut up," I laughed. "Seriously though, I really need to study so in the least offensive way, shut up." I added as I got back on with my work.

A chair was pulled out and another figure sat down beside Justin. Looking up, I noticed him as Vincent Coleman, another successful CEO. My brother once worked with his firm before moving to Australia with his girlfriend and her family.

"Rosalyn, is Justin here bothering you?" Vince joked. "You know each other?" Justin questioned and Vince explained whilst Rose stayed mute and studied.

"Listen, I would really appreciate if you both would leave. I have finals and you guys are not helping," I groaned.

"Wow, the first girl to throw away two successful men. You must be crazy," Justin joked, I shot him daggers causing him to put his hands up in defence. "I'll see you soon, baby."

And with that they both left.

I looked back down at the table and saw a little black book, on it was engraved 'Bieber inc' in gold. As I looked back up to shout Justin it was too late and he was gone.
A little starter to the story.

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