forty eight ~

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• (Lucy's POV) •

I woke up to see all the butlers and maids in the house rushing around.

"Virgo?" I sat up and stared at Virgo as she took one of my expensive dresses out of my wardrobe, placing it on the side for me to wear.

"Good morning Princess." She smiled, but then carried on with her work.
"What's going on this morning?" I asked her, tilting my head slightly.

"There's supposed to be a big event occurring here today Princess," Virgo informed me. "There are many guests coming round, so Master Sting has ordered all the maids to clean the house."

"Do you know what this event is?" I questioned further. She shook her head.

"Sorry Princess, but all I know is that it's going to start off outside, then there's going to be a party in here later. You'll have to ask someone else if you want more details."

"Okay then Virgo." I smiled. "Thank you for your help. I'll go ask around for more details." After that I got up and dressed into my fancy dress, then made my way downstairs.

"Loke!" I saw him swiftly walking towards the door. "What's all this about an event?"
"I'm not too sure, Miss Lucy." He sighed. "But it's not going to be good."
"What makes you say that?" I asked him.

"They're setting up the arena." He warned me.
"We have an arena!?" I yelled. "What!? Where?"
"I'll take you." He turned to me, gesturing for me to follow. "I was just about to go there myself, I think that's where Master Sting is right now."

We walked outside and he helped me into one of our carriages, then we set off to this so called 'arena'.

• (Sting's POV) •

I made my way deep into the dungeons, remembering what Lucy's mother told me.

'You know what to do.'

I do. I'm going to do this for Lucy's mother, and for Lucy. Once this happens she's sure to realise the truth.

"Dragneel." I called out, banging on his door. When I opened it, he was there, staring daggers at me. "You're coming with me today." I smirked, signalling the guards to get him.

"You'll come along willingly, or things won't look good for your, no, my precious Luce." His eyes widened when I mentioned her name, and he did come along as I said.

Today may just be the best day in existence.

• (Lucy's POV) •

I can't believe it. We actually have an arena.

When we arrived there me and Loke decided to split up to search for Sting. I stepped inside the middle of the arena, feeling a strange sense all over me.

Then I saw Wizards. They practice the fine art of magic. It's a rare thing in our world, and wizards are extremely expensive. I went up to one; I need answers.

"Excuse me?" I mumbled, walking up to the nearest wizard who had just finished performing a spell.
"Ahh, hello. You must be Miss Lucy." He smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but which spell were you performing just a second ago?" I asked.
"It's an anti-dragon spell." He told me.

"Anti dragon?" I questioned. Why would we need that?
"It affects all dragons and only dragons," He explained. "It puts them in extreme pain, making most of their powers unusable."

That makes sense, but the one thing that doesn't is the fact that we're putting a dragon in here. Why are we doi-

Then it clicked.

Natsu. He's a dragon.

I felt sick to the core. My stomach began to churn, and I felt ill.
"I-I'm going t-to leave now. T-thank you for t-telling me." I stuttered, walking away slowly.

Natsu. Natsu~

Word Count- 624

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