Chapter 8: Angel

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Its been day after those crazy kisses we've shared. And its been pretty awkward for both of us; I mean he still do command me and rude at me but not as much as before... He also let me rest now and telling me to call him by his name

Weird right? But its okay since I can do what I want to do now

I sat on the bench outside of their house staring at the Forest, then he called me "Tara!" He yelled

"Here, why?" I shouted back. He made his way through the door and lean against it while crossing his arms

"I want blueberries and fresh fishes" he stated and I raised an eyebrow at him

"And?.. Where do I get that?"

"Forest" of course.. Dumb idiot

"Be specifically" I raised my tone and glared at him

"Don't shout on me" he told me angrily

"I'm not shouting idiot" I always lose my temper on him

Can we just talk without shouting or insulting each other?.. I told to my conscience

Tell you why? Cause you're crazy and insane...

Wait..What's the difference between that?.. I asked

I don't know..

Omg! why the heck am I talking to myself

"Are you even listening Tara?!" Thresh shouted and fisted his hands. I snapped out of my thoughts

"What?" I said dumbfounded

He sigh heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose which I found out the only one that doesn't have scars

"I said go to the left side of the forest its only near on the river and marked each trees to know where's the direction you'll go when you come back with my berries and fishes.. Don't go home without berries and fresh fishes"

Home? What a laugh he just said day ago that this ain't my home

I just nod at him and made my way through the river

Its been an hour or so when I left "home" and I still didn't find the river. He said it will be on the left so I still walking to the left side

Its been forever since I found the river and I might say that the dark will come sooner so I guess I need to be faster

I found berries at the not so high tree so I started climbing it which is pretty hard since I really don't know how to.. In the end I got it with also few wounds marked on my shoulders and body

I stared at the river and asking myself how the heck I would catch a fish?

Then something pop out on my mind. I remembered those TV shows I've watch which was the stories of long long time ago that the first men fetch fishes by the bamboo sticks or some tree trunks and they use broken rocks to make it pointed

So I do the same thing I found a tree trunk and pointed it for a meanwhile; when I thought it can fetch fishes by stabbing it, I remove my clothes leaving only my panties and bra. I tied up my hair and ready to be a fetcher

The water of the river is pretty cool so I shiver while walking to it.. God must been blessed me cause there's a lot of fishes swimming and making its way to me

They wanted to die, I guessed. I stab here, there, everywhere but man.. I still didn't get any fish they're so hard to catch and they're fast. I never thought fishing would be this hard. My back was aching and the sun was going to down in just an hour

Things just got worse, and I'm tired as heck right now

I was begging to fish to stay still so I could catch them when someone talk to me and I tensed

"Don't beg to those fishes beautiful. They're not going to stay like what you wanted them too" a man with a very sexy voice whisper through my ears and I stilled before I shriek and run away from him but he holds my waist before I trip to those rocks and go near to the deeper side of the river

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you, I wanted to help" my back was pressed against him and I was breathing hard. I was tired really tired so I stop shrieking and turned around to see the man and I gasp

This man is handsome as the sun set. He is tall and muscular, black haired that was soaked with water, tanned skin and gray eyes. His lips were red and that was now pulled up in the cutest grin I ever saw, he also had a few stubble all over his jaw which make him looked more handsome

Good Lord is this guy is my angel? Are you going to get me? Am I dead?

"Can you pinched me?" I blurted out and he looked at me in confusion but still those smile are plastered in his face


"I was just thinking that I am dead and you are my angel and you'll going to get me... Don't worry I'm willing too" I offered my free hand on him and he just laugh out loud which is really beautiful in my ears but I looked at him in confusion

"I can be your angel, beautiful if that's what you want too" he told me when he was done laughing and reach for my hand and kissed it longer than I expected he nip it a little which sends tingles through my spine as I smile shyly before he set it down but never let it go

Okay now I felt alive!

"I was wondering if you need help?" He said charmingly

"Of course" I smiled like a teenage girl who's talking to her crush..

Gosh what the heck is happening to me!!!

I need to fix myself.. Shame on me

"Its been an hour since you've trying to get some fish.. May I?" He looked at the trunk and I blushed furiously.. Its 2016 yet I'm catching a fish like a hundred years ago

I gave him the trunk, he held it both of his hands...

He got a fish in just 2 to 3 minutes. And I smiled like an idiot while watching at him... Finally I got a savior!


"Thank you for this Stefano, I really appreciate it" I said as I gathered all my things included the fish and the blueberries

After he fetch fishes FOR ME! He asked what was my name and I told him; I also asked his name and found out that its Stefano De Silva Ciano

"Anytime Angel" I blushed at his compliment slash nickname of mine

"I need to go back, I enjoyed your company.. And as far as I wanted you to come and visit. I can't" I told him sadly and he frown. I remembered that I still got a job to do and I'm really sure Thresh would not appreciate when he saw another person going to visit his home

"Why is that?"

"Parents" I lied

"Oh.. But can I at least walk with you? Don't worry I won't go near your house" He smiles and I did too

"Of course I'd love too" he got the fishes from my hands which is still impaled on the trunk. I told him I can do it but he insisted so I let go

What a gentleman

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