Chapter 5:Old Man

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"Wow" I gasp

Thresh's face is so handsome but broken those long scars in his face make him look horrible but in the nice way, for me I guess. Cause surely lot of people would be frighten when they saw his face and body because his face is stuff from a nightmare

He's still sleeping. I bet each one of his scars had story behind it. I wanted to run my fingers around each one of it

I wanted to know

After the longing stare of him, I slowly closed the door and go to Marie's room to take a nap

"Why did I ever do to you!?" I shouted at him and he glared at me. We're in the kitchen, I was cooking when he stormed into the kitchen saying rude things about me. And for the first time he didn't wear any bandana to hide his face

He was so angry and I don't know why

"Don't shout on me woman!" He did the same and took a step in front of me as I did I would never let him scared me

"Fuck-off Thresh" I pointed a finger on his strong chest and push it hard but he didn't move nor stumbled he's just standing there mirrored my glare on him

"Don't you dare do that" he whispered dangerously and closed the distance between us. Our nose slightly touching and my body brushes against him

"I would do whatever I want" I do it again but this time he catch both of my hand and put it the top of my head as he pressed my back on the wall while he sandwich me with his body, I was shock of his sudden movements

"Bad girls get punishments" he whispered through my ear

"Dare me" my blue eyes daring at his honey eyes and with a seconds his lips crushed mine and I moaned softly loving the lips of him around mine as his stubble brushes my chin and cheeks. His lips are cracked but still soft I kissed him back hungrily, he unwrapped his hands around mine but surely made its own way to cupped my ass as he lifted me up still didn't broke on our intense kisses. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pushes myself on him, I felt his hard against mine. He put me on the kitchen counter as he lifted my shirt up and cupped my breast with his big hands. I gasp in pleasure and the looked of his eyes made me wanting more. He made his way through my shorts and he-

"Tara" Marie shouted and I opened my eyes abruptly

What the hell!?

Did I just dreamt about Thresh and I making out in the fucking kitchen

Oh my goodness!!

"Marie?" I sat up in her bed

"Dreaming of whom?" She asks as she wiggled her eye brows with a grin in her lips

"What?" I asked her confusedly as I felt the heat on my cheeks

"Your moaning.. Don't tell me-" I stop her by putting my fingers in her lips

"Don't" I glared at her but she just laugh

"Come on its dinner time"



"Guys pleaseeee! Go in the room" I scowled at Marie and Carl making out in the island of the kitchen. Marie blushes while Carl softly chuckle and kissed her forehead

"Your just jealous like Thresh" Carl said as he poked his tongue on me and I glared at him

"No I'm not!" I blushed because the truth is I am really jealous to them

They were so in love to each other

"Yeah right" he rolled his eyes with a huge grin in his lips

"I hate you" I fakely pouted

"It's okay even you hated me, Marie loves me" he pecked Marie's cheek and she smiles lovingly to her

"I can't take this anymore.. I need to puke" I make disgusting face but I smiled secretly at them and they just laugh at my actions

After we ate dinner Thresh took out the mocha cake that we bought earlier and a couple of beers. We sang Marie happy birthday and she blew the cake happily

"Make a speech!" I shouted even though she's just in front of me

"Yeah baby" Carl stood beside her with a goofy grin in his face

"Okay" she said breathlessly " I wanted to say thank you for all of you guys.. For having this party for me, I know we don't have enough money. But you still manage to make this for me.. I love you guys, really I do. Thresh my oh so protective but loving brother, Carl my best friend and the love of my life we all still not where we wanted to be. You know our life goals" she pauses and smile, beautiful smile at the two men "But good way to start a long home stand. Tara my little girl, you've come to our lives unexpectedly and now I know the beauty of expecting the unexpected" her words warmed my heart as I rushed over her and hug her

"If only I knew that crashing myself in the tree would lead me here, I'll do it at the age of 14. I really wanted a sister now I have one!" I chuckled and she laugh

"So dramatic Tara, are you drunk?" She eyed me suspiciously

Am I? Well I finishes 2 bottles of beer and the one in my hand is the third one

"Maybe a little. I guessed" I shrugged and drink the beer " We should play! Yes!"

"So immature" Thresh said as he drink his beer

He still managed it even though he had a bandanna in his face

"I Don't asked you old man" I glared at him and he glared at me back

"I'm not old... You immature" the look on his face made me wanted to laugh out loud. His eyes were seriously burning on me with a frown on his eye brows his hair is messy as hell. Though I save it cause I'm daring him

He doesn't want to call an old man. Because he is an old one.. 24 or 25 I guessed

"Playing isn't immature Old man it's having fun! Of course you wouldn't want to join cause you're OLDDD MANNNN" he wanted to ripped me in pieces for sure because he clench his fist tightly

"Are you daring me Little one" he sat up from the chair and slowly walking over me. Marie and Carl was no where to see, probably making out again. And fear clutch at my stomach

But I never let it show.. Not on this guy

"Yes Old man" I stand straight and narrow my eyes on him

"What would the winner get?" He crossed his arm and ohh well those muscles are itching me to touch them

Fuck you Tara... I told to my self

"Any thing they wanted" I smile at him because I knew that the game we'll play is the one I mastered since when I was 16

"Shoot! Let the game begins"

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