Chapter 4: Dreams?

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I don't know how far I ran and I don't know how to get back to Marie's house, my feet is aching and I'm hungry.

I sigh and sit next to the tree. "I shouldn't have asked them " I groaned and dried up my tears

I stayed their for about 10 more minutes when I heard someone shouting my name " Tara! Tara! Tara! Where are you!? " I stand up quickly

"Marie! Marie! " I shouted too. I run and try to find Marie but when I turned around I bumped in a into something and unbalance myself I thought I would fall but suddenly there's an arm wrap around my waist to keep me steady and I un-intentionally wrap my hands around his shoulder. When I look up I found those honey eyes staring at me worriedly I stare back not able to move. I came back to reality when Marie called my name again, I push him back and turn to my right I tried to run again but Thresh hold my wrist

"Wait " he said

"What?! Are you going to judge me again? Aren't you done? "I glared at him and he avoided my gaze

"I'm sorry Tara I didn't mean to be like that " he mumble and let go of my arm

" yeah of course you don't "I said sarcastically " You didn't mean to hurt my feelings because your such a- "

"Tara! " Marie yelled and run towards me and hug me

"Marie "I whisper and hugged her back

"I'm sorry about my brother, Tara." She let go of me and looked at me " We decieded that we take your offer and you'll stay here in two weeks or so." She grin

"Eh? What? ... I ... I thought that Thresh- "

"Don't worry about Thresh.. he's okay with it now " she elbowed her brother

"Oww.. what's that for? " Thresh glared at her"Fine! You can stay "

"See everything's okay... do want to stay here or you change your mind? " I chuckled at her actions

"Of course I do " I grin

"Yes! Now let's go home!"


"Too much Tara.. Now stopped" Marie playfully glared at me

It's her birthday now and where in the mall buying her and me some new clothes. And also a cake for her

"Why? This dress is pretty, it suits you" I fought and pouted

"No it's not. Go buy it for yourself, I had 8 paper bags on my hands right now. And this is too much!" I rolled my eyes on her enthusiasm but smile plastered on my lips

"Okay.. I'll buy it for myself but where going to grocery to buy some groceries yes? "



"This is sooooooo tiring.. But really fun! I don't even remember when is the last time I do shopping!" Marie said as she slumped her self in the leather chair car of his boyfriend

After we finished our shopping she called Carl to fetch us. I was sitting in the back seat of the car

"Hey we got here last month-" Carl frown and argued but Marie kisses his cheeks

"I was just kidding babe" she laugh and kiss his cheek again

I felt a pang on my chest, I envy them

"Ewww stop that you lovebirds! My eyes are still virgin" I make faces on them and they laugh at me

"Do you have boyfriend Tara?" Carl asked still looking at the road and I cleared my throat

"No we just got broke up yesterday. He got bitches behind my back and it's hurt like hell" I tried to laugh but I failed because my voice crack

"Oh Tara.." Marie sigh heavily and patted my leg and I smile sadly at her

"I'm good. Don't worry"

"I wish I could help to ease the pain" she said and looked at me worriedly

"You help me a lot Marie!" I grin at her

"Physically not emotionally" she added

"Nooo! Your like a sister to me! Don't think that" I glared at her and she laughed

"I was just making up.. Easy"

"I hate you" I pouted and she chuckled


"We're here!" Carl shouted as ge opened the front door of the house

"He's still not here?" Marie's asked

"Maybe he's still hunting"

"Guys I'm going to Marie's room, just call me if you needed me"

As I made my way in Marie's room I heard a soft snore in Thresh's room

"He's sleeping" I murmured and creep to his room

I don't know what's got into me but I have this feeling I need to saw his face

I slowly opened the door

Oh my fucking goodness!!!!

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