'Ya Jealous?

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"Are you jealous?" - Prompt #06.

"That's the funniest joke I've heard in a while

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"That's the funniest joke I've heard in a while." You giggled lightly, slapping Connor's arm as you leaned back a little.

Connor laughed along before pinching your rosy cheeks, the both of you clearly in a little bubble. Only, you two were just good friends and Brad was.. well, your boyfriend. The truth was, you were a little upset with him since he had ignored you earlier when the two of you went out for lunch with a couple of his 'friends'. Not to mention the fact that one of his model friends was flirting with him right in front of you - and he didn't even do anything to stop it. So maybe you had gotten Connor to help you rile Brad up.

"I told you tha' one a while back." Brad interjected, clearing his throat and pouting to himself when you continued to pay attention to Connor. "S'not fair. He stole tha' joke from me."

"Oi, how 'bout you focus more on writin' t'ese songs rather t'an creepin' on Connor and Y/N?" James rolled his eyes, humming a little tune to himself before scribbling some words down on his notebook. "Actin' like he's gonna steal your girl."

"Fine, fine." Brad grumbled, trying his best not to let jealousy shine through. It was a little hard considering the next thing he knew, you and Connor were in the middle of a tickle fight and Connor was basically on top of you. You and Connor had always been close but he had never seen you two this close.

"Con, stop!" You cackled, Connor cooing as his fingers continued their assault up and down your sides, his legs on either side of you to hold you down.

"I'll stop when you admit my jokes are better than yours!"

"That's never going to happen!" You squealed, trying to squirm away from him before he grabbed your wrists and held you down, panting lightly.

"Say it."


"Say it!" All of a sudden, a pillow was thrown in your direction from a clearly frustrated Brad, his jaw clenched and his jaw tightened.

"How about the both o' you stop messin' around?! Connor, you said you were going t' help us but now you're jus' spendin' time with Y/N! And Y/N, quit flirtin' with Connor!" Brad snapped, Connor rolling off of you immediately with a scoff.

"Jesus, Brad. No need to get so mad. Are you jealous?"

"Not answerin' tha'. Y/N, get over here." Brad huffed, frowning when you remained on the floor.

"Answer the question, Brad."

"Of course I'm jealous! How am I s'pose to focus when the two of you are rolling around on the floor?"

"Now you know how it feels." You watched as the lightbulb went off in his head, his features softening before he let out a sigh.

"If it makes you feel better, I did tell her off when you went to the washroom, love. Told her how much I loved you 'n all." Brad murmured shyly, scratching the back of his head. You smiled as you got up off the floor, padding over to Brad and plopping down on the couch.

"Good to know you care."

"Mhm. And Louis?"


"Don't ever steal my jokes again."



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