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A.N: Hello, this is my first book, and I hope you enjoy it.


Florence's P.O.V.

       BANG! BANG! "No.." "DON'T MR.PATINO." The cries of one of the men my father had boasted on about earlier were devastating. The gun shots continued, and I knew exactly what father dearest was doing. He was shooting every finger but made it so it was still in tact so afterwards he'd pull the nail off the victim with a knife. I didn't understand at first why he was torturing someone but then it hit me, He spilled to someone he shouldn't have, serves him right. My eyes rolled as the thought clouded my train of thought, my father had trust issues and now I could see why. Just earlier he was in a good mood, talking to me as if I was a real human being this time, and now he's torturing a poor guy who didn't even know who he was messing with. It was 2:00 AM for god's sake, at the very least can't my father have some decency and have his disgusting torturing sessions some where else? A groan escaped my lips as I got out of bed and my palm began to pat all over the desk against my bed. Coming to have contact with my car keys, I quickly hopped out of bed not caring if my Victoria Secrets lingerie was more revealing than it'd normally be. 

      Going downstairs, I slammed the door on the way out to make it very obvious that I had been disrupted and my beauty sleep was being deprived. The summer wind swiftly slammed itself against my petite frame, however I shook it off only to crawl myself inside of my Aston Martin that my mother had gifted to me before I disowned her. Kind woman, really, but a weakness is something I do not need nor tolerate in my life. "Florence, you're really lonely" my conscious spoke up and I felt my cheekbones flush themselves in a manner never have they dared to before, shaking the thought away. "Lonely? Please. I am Florence Patino, the most important woman you can ever lay your eyes on," I responded back to my conscious. I felt my ego boost itself up as I had a high and mighty grin on me, turning the vehicle on I sped away at full speed. I looked at the clock, 2:40 AM, I didn't even notice my eyebrows were tensed along with my body until I found myself relaxing...I whispered under my breath acknowledging what day it was and time, "Happy 18th Birthday, Florie". I ended up at a beach, of course no one was there. Noticing how I was barefoot, I quickly got out of my car and ran into the sand. The warmth was still there, no matter how cold it was, I could feel warmth beneath my feet of the sand. I smiled, and a sudden chill went up my spine coming to notice the tips of my toes were already feeling the small fragments of water that managed to make contact. 

   Making myself comfortable, I sat my rear onto the sand, feeling my skin's reaction to it in amusement. It tingled some before I laid my head down on the pillow of the sand and let out a loud and long sigh. All of a sudden, different kinds of mixture of emotions came over me. I gripped onto the sand that slipped through my tightly compacted fingers. My optics were somehow filled with the liquid that had already managed to slip itself downward my cheekbone. I was confused, reaching up for my thumb to make contact with the liquid I brought it to my lips and tasted it some. Blergh, I thought. It was salty, but since it was coming from my eyes I believe this is what people call 'tears,' yes? I was about to reach for my phone to search up what it meant when small droplets of liquid slipped themselves down your face and it had come from your eye? But in the end, my dumbfounded self came to realize I was out in an isolated beach for the moment, in my undergarments. I came with absolutely nothing but my car keys. I sighed and I looked up at the far away burning balls of gas that had their life span diminished already; They twinkled brightly but another smile crept itself on my face knowing this was the first time I had left without word. Or actually left at all, my father was a.. Possessive man.. That wasn't the word I wanted to say, but, it sounded better than "Abusive." When mother lived with us, he used any excuse to raise his hand on me, which explains some scars on my back. Those were the times when he still used alcohol as refuge and used a knife instead of his bare hand. It all stopped when I disowned my own mother- No. She wasn't my mother, I will never accept that, so let me rephrase that.- When I disowned Jessica Patino as my mother. Father didn't raise his hand anymore, and avoided me. Father found himself going back to work for almost everything and never, I repeat, never spoke to me unless I spoke to him first. It was better this way, it really was. He had placed his hands on me for as long as I knew, and I never said a word nor did I complain because I didn't really care matter of factly. I found my mind shutting itself down along with my body, slowly giving in to what I needed for a while; A good night's rest. In the back of my mind before I let my eye lids close, I already knew what tomorrow held and my plan for it.

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