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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated long, lovelies.

Jules P.O.V:

      I was standing all day, out in the balcony. It was a windy day- I hated windy days. Because the day I left her- wind couldn't stop smacking me in the face. I felt my usually stone-cold face stiffen as the thought of Florence came over me. My men noticed how I was looking gloomy because of the date- April 16. The day I left her, and also the day that was her birthday. I remember her eyes filled with hope and expectation turn to a mixture of hurt and pain the next day when I sent one of my men to check up on her and to take a picture to see how she was doing. But a vibration motion came against my leg as I went and grabbed my phone out of my pocket, it ringed loudly, no longer muffled through the fabric of my pants and I answered the phone. "How do you have this number and who is this?" I glared down at the floor, displeased before a small voice responded. "B-boss it's me, gosh. It's the guy. He said he's selling you a girl, just like the girl you sent me to check up on 5 years ago.." I shook my head at the thought of an innocent girl being sold, but I rather buy her and give her freedom than letting some sadistic fuck take her.  But the thought of a girl- Looking just like Florence? It can't be... Fuck. It is her. I knew that the moment he gave me the address since it was in the same town she lived in. The sun shimmered itself downward as shots were heard consistently followed by agonizing screams, just by hearing it only meant my men were doing their jobs well done. I shook my head, walking inside of my room and out of the balcony, cold and harsh winds no longer surrounding my body. I looked down on all of my tattoos and bit my lower lip, wondering how she might react if she ever saw such things on me. A crash made impact on the floor, and I averted my eyes as to see what made such a ruckus. It was my personal maid, Jay, she was shirtless and her bra hugged her breasts perfectly. Her knee high socks wrapped themselves around her legs and squeezed on her flesh as she blushed when looking over at me as her panties hugged her waist. "M-Mister Vincent! I.. I am very sorry, I was just cleaning like usual, and I-I did-" Her Mexican accent was thick and her green eyes were filled with tears as she stuttered, but I only shook my head and spoke over her, "It's FINE, Jay. Go on now, and Jay," she turned around, tilting her head in curiosity, "Never, and I mean never, enter my room anymore wearing such little clothing and without my permission." She only nodded and quickly ran out of my room, slamming the door by accident. I sighed wondering how I'd ever get used to the fake name my men and servants knew me as- Vincent. Only few knew my real name, Jules, and those were hard time classified dealers and Florence. I quickly got in the limo that arrived in front of the hotel I was staying in, and I called my personal driver, Michael, to switch with the one that had arrived with the limo. I quickly nodded in Michael's direction as he took me to the secluded place we were heading. I slipped my hand inside of my suit's pocket and took out a VIP ID, and the guards securing the place made way as to letting me in. The inside of the mansion seemed like a whore house. "Jules, Jules! My good man, my friend upstairs says he has a great doll for you!" I faked a smile at the Russian host, and quickly went upstairs. Peeking through the door, I widened my eyes before waving off the host and grabbing my gun just to pull the trigger. The bullet hit the guy in front of the person I thought I'd never see again- Florence. She was holding a gun and her hand was trembling, red marks covering her wrist knowing she was chained. I stepped in and I felt the facade of a cold man immediately crumbling as the walls I built for myself  over the years, fell miserably inside of me. "..Florie, I..-" My heart sunk as she cut me off, her high-pitched voice that I once knew no longer being there. I held in a chuckle as she matured, bigger breasts, longer hair, and from what I could see from this angle as she sat in the bed, a big mound of ass. "Jules," she began, noticing a tint of red covering her cheekbones as she tried to shake it off but failed, "What are you doing here? Why did you shoot him, hell, I was going to do that! Where the hell am I? Take me back to that beach, this fucking instance Jules!" I was confused, what beach? ...Crap, I knew it. She was kidnapped. I couldn't help but stare silently in awe as her beautiful brown eyes glistened as the sun hit them, oh how I missed my beautiful student. But she was more to me than just a student, that's why I left. I quickly walked in her direction and wrapped my arms around her frame, almost flinching some since her body temperature was extremely hot. I raised my limb and began running my fingers through the locks of her smooth and silky black hair, leaning in more against her matured frame to kiss her forehead. The one thing I've never seen her do before was show emotions, and that's what she was doing, she was tearing up and that was the first time I've seen her so broken up. I whispered against her ear, "Shh.. Happy Birthday, Florie." I noticed how she was letting all the emotions I've never seen from her pour themselves out. She started to punch my chest in frustration but they were weak and each time she did so, I only pulled her closer. I felt everything I've done was a mistake and all I should've done was just stay by my love's side. She started to sob and pant as breathing became unbearable for her for a brief moment and I only caressed her back, treating her as if she was fragile glassware. I pushed my pride away for the first time in years, and held her tightly whispering some of the words I've never meant more. "I'm so sorry, Florie.. Five years ago, it was a mistake... A mistake that's led me here, please believe me Florie. I never meant to hurt you, love." My heart thumped louder than its ever done before, and I've seen how much Florence has grown as to know why she did such a thing as to push me away. Having a gun protection vest underneath my clothing, I already knew what to expect when she grabbed the gun and shot me. There was a small hole in it and she hit it right there as somewhere along my chest began to overflow with blood. My body wasn't used to even dropping a single ounce of blood, ever, but when it did I usually passed out in minutes. Taking a chance to look down at the pool of blood flowing out of me, I looked directly in the most beautiful sets of eyes I've ever seen and spoke out, "Love.. I love you, Florence Patino." I choked the words out as blood was about to gush out of my mouth as well but I held it back only to find myself fading off into sleep. I felt Florence have a tightened grip on the body of mine she thought was lifeless only to whisper against me the words I never thought I'd hear from the Queen herself, "Why now.. Why did you show up now.. God damn it Jules.. I love you too.." Now the warmth of her body soon left mine and I completely passed out just with that.

 "Schas po ebalu poluchish, suka, blyad!" I woke up to the yelling of the Russian host, and by the expression of his fueling red face, he was angry. I doubled over with pain, but the wound I had was now covered with white cloth. It was already stained with the blood and I felt myself taking in as much oxygen as possible through my nose, exhaling it a few seconds later. I looked at the clock, and it was already 9 PM. The Russian looked over at me and had a slight look of relief, knowing that if I died in his care many knives would be pointed at him and his business. I stretched out before groaning in pain, gripping onto the sheets of the bed as my posture corrected itself. Averting my eyes toward the window, I felt my eyebrows crease at the thought of Florence away from me. My phone buzzed some, and for the first time since I got this Iphone SE, a personal message from an unknown number was visible. I turned the screen on, swiped right and placed in my pass code. "Mr.Vincent, your limousine is here, sir. Please let me accompany you out the door." An elderly butler spoke up as his posture stiffened even more when I placed my phone inside of my pocket and got up. I cringed at the pain the wound was giving me, some blood spurting out as I quickly took off my Armani coat and the butler darted forward to grab onto it. He slipped his hand toward my waistline and I leaned into him as we walked outside. The sluts and the buyers made way as to seeing my injury and the guards only nodded some when opening the door. Michael was there holding the door for me to get inside, as I quickly grabbed my coat and searched inside of it, giving the elderly man a tip, something small as a 50,000 dollar check is nothing to a man like me. The night sky shone upon us as Michael closed the door and drove me to the luxurious hotel I had been staying in the past few months undercover. Arriving, he opened the door and helped me into an elevator and soon now into my room. I thanked him before groaning and flopping myself into bed. I then remembered the text message I had gotten and went inside of my pocket to reach for my phone. Grabbing it, I unlocked it and looked at the message. " Florence Patino has just taken flight 198 to New York. She is currently staying in xxxx xxxx street, the bronx. One of the Alvarado's which she is staying with, is in the game. Florence may die, you have 24 hours to complete this mission, Joker." I widened my eyes at the last word before shaking my head back and forth to my surroundings, as to what I should pack, and I looked at the time this was sent. 4 PM. It's already 10 now, I only have 18 hours. I called in the specialized doctor maids and they patched me up like the Russians should have but did not, and I immediately felt better. The blood stopped gushing itself outward the wound, and my flight was in 10 minutes with my personal helicopter. It finally arrived as I was there waiting out top in the roof. The wind was thrashing itself against everything, and the wind came into motion more fiercely as the helicopter approached the roof and the area it was supposed to land. As it landed, I got in and formalities were quickly made as we were heading towards New York. I stood awake the entire time just staring at the message telling me that Florence was in danger, but in the end.. It can't be her. She shouldn't have my number, she's out the game, just how? I shook my head and by the time we reached New York it was already morning. 



im gonna stop writing this story.  

b y e 


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