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A/N: There's nothing wrong with who you are.

Florence's P.O.V.:

"Hello, welcome boarding passengers.." The rest faded off into the background, and I found myself tilting my head next to the stranger's shoulder before falling asleep. I jolted upwards as I found my tiresome mind coming to be alert as everyone began to clap and smile at one another as we arrived safely to New York. I looked over to the elderly man beside me as he only smiled towards me, finding the right words to say took a moment on my part. "U-uhm, forgive me for sleeping on you the entire way here." I didn't realize I stuttered but the man only smiled kindly in my direction more and waved me away. I guess that was his way to saying that it was alright. I noticed he had a cane and had trouble standing up and I shot a glare at all those who dared defy me by not letting me through as I held the old man's arm. I let go of his arm as we arrived to get our luggage and such at the airport, noticing a familiar figure hovering over me. It was Willow! I didn't understand how she could possibly know I was here, but Willow was my nanny when I was young before my father fired her because she walked in on one of his "Sessions," with me. I smiled over to her direction before looking back down at the old man, "Stay safe, old man. I must go now, you have a ride to go home?" I spoke softly but loud enough so he could hear me at the same time, he only nodded and I gave him a small smile.  I grabbed my luggage and walked over to Willow, giving her a tight embrace since I had been keeping in contact with her since young. I didn't consider Willow a weakness, not at all, because even if she died, I already prepped myself for that. "Oh dear, Florence! Look at you, you are but a mess. Come, come, let us go home and get you cleaned up." Widening my eyes in embarrassment, I noticed this entire time I never took it into consideration as to change from my lingerie. But besides that, I really was a mess. My perfectly combed bun was now all over the place, and the sand from the beach was still sticking against the skin of my back. No wonder everyone was giving me weird looks when I arrived and sat myself in 1st-class. They probably thought I did not belong there, those fools. I stood silent as I slid myself in the passenger seat of Willow's old mustang vehicle. My luggage was implanted on my lap as I placed my seat belt and Willow was cheerfully humming a tune of, "Wake up" By Eden. I was surprised at this elderly ladies' knowledge of common music but I giggled to myself and finally asked, "Willow, how did you know I was in the airport?" She was already driving in traffic but stood silent as her humming came to a stop, I grew impatient and frowned asking again. "Willow.. How did you know about my flight?" She stopped the car and all of a sudden cars behind us began to honk their horn repeatedly in agitation. She looked over at me and hurt was expressed into her eyes, "A young man, probably in his 30's threatened me to kill you if not he was going to hurt my Nina.." Nina was Willow's youngest and only child now after so many miscarriages with her deceased husband. She passed me the gun that was tucked inside of her breasts and placed it in my palm as whimpers escaped her lips. "Willo-" She cut me off and began to speak once more, "Florence.. You are like my Nina, I couldn't kill you not even if they threatened to kill my Nina. You and my Nina are all that I have, and if someone as ruthless as that man threatened something like that, all that I have left to do is kill myself in exchange." I shook my head, but really.. Who the hell was this "in his 30's," guy who knew about my flight? I sighed and rubbed Willow's shoulder some before smiling awkwardly as she continued on driving, finally reaching her house. It was already night time, pulling my phone from my bag it said "12:30 AM." It was passed midnight already and I only yawned some. I noticed I still had the gun Willow had gave me earlier and I simply tucked it into my luggage. I smiled knowing that she didn't harm me, Willow was more of a mother to me than Jessica Patino would ever be. I was ready to lose Willow at any given moment, but I would never be ready to lose Jules.. The man of my life, and just by the thought of these things it stung my heart. I felt myself harshly gulped as I was snapped back into reality by Willow's voice, "..orence.. Florence! Are you coming inside or not? Goodness, child! It is rather cold out here, come, come." She pulled me inside and wrapped a blanket over my frame, warming me up. I smiled at her effort to warm me and how she was treating me, suddenly I turned around feeling a childish essence near me. It was Nina. Nina was 23, older than me, but this girl had the heart of a child and even acted like one. She pounced on top of my figure and squeezed the Helen Keller out of me, "Flower!! I never expected for you to be here, my love! What brings you?" I smiled and shook my head, rolling myself on top of her now. A sudden blush came over Nina before I crawled off of her and placed a hand over my hips as I felt my panties sliding down a bit because of the sudden movements made. "Well, I don't wanna talk about what made me come over here, but-" Again. I was cut off again, and by yours truly, Willow. "Enough chit chat, ladies! It is time for Florence to take a bath." I groaned in just hearing that, seeing as to how Willow kept treating me as if I were to be some child but I smiled at how much she meant to me. 

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