Cosmic Love

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A/N: The last chapter and this chapter is her past btw, I am so sorry if it did not seem clear to you.

Florence's P.O.V

   "Shit. Do you really think he'll like her? After all, we just saw her sleeping on a beach. But it seems like J's type, really." A voice harshly said and I immediately tried to straighten my posture only to realize I was chained up to a bed. I closed my eyes and took some time to let my situation sink in my mind. The man noticed how I was awake and a sadistic grin plastered itself all over him, blue eyes and the appearance of a more than average person. Seen better. My conscious woke up again and I just groaned while rolling my eyes. "Hey there, sweetheart. Kick and scream all you want, we're selling you to a very important man and I do hope he likes you.. Very.. much." His voice trailed off and all of a sudden I felt disgust as my figure burned knowing it was him staring at it oh so very passionately. "Patino. Florence Patino, that is who I am." He had gotten up and off the bed, having a conversation with someone who seemed like a fling to him before almost snapping his neck towards me when I spoke up and told him my identity. His eyes widened with disbelief, and his figure grew to shake before slowly unchaining me, "M-Miss Patino.. Ha.. ha.. Sorry.. I did..-" I cut the man off and felt myself fuel with anger knowing this wasn't of the calculations I had for today, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CHAIN ME HERE! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU'RE MESSING WITH, KID? SCRAM. DON'T YOU EVER- I REPEAT, EVER, SHOW YOURSELF IN MY PRESENCE." I felt a fist of mine form themselves, noticing how I was usually calm and well-mannered, but being chained to a bed? On this very day which I had specific plans for? My thoughts drifted themselves before noticing the man's gun against his leg since he was wearing very tightly packed jeans. With a swift motion, just like my old body guard taught me, I grabbed onto the gun and cocked it at the man's face. All of a sudden, a gun shot was fired but- It wasn't from me. I didn't do it. Placing the gun down, I looked over to the person who did the dirty work for me. All of a sudden I felt myself blushing, "Florie I-..," he began, "Jules," I cut him off, the second person I've done that to today. I continued, shaking the blush out of my face, "What are you doing here? Why did you shoot him, hell, I was going to do that! Where the hell am I? Take me back to that beach, this fucking instance Jules!"

  Of course Jules didn't answer to me, he knew what happened to every damn person who did. Jules was that old body guard I mentioned earlier, but that was five years ago and this is now. He is no longer my body guard and I am no longer his student, I'm Florence Patino and he is Jules Lovelock. Suddenly, an arm was laced around my frame and I was pulled into him, the emotions I thought were gone started stabbing my heart all over again. I punched at his chest and he just hugged me tighter, taking it all as he ran his fingers through my hair and pressed his lips at my forehead. "Shh.. Happy Birthday, Florie." All of our memories together bursted inside of my head. 5 years ago, he said the same thing before abandoning me. He abandoned me! But the one thing I discovered yesterday, so called "tears," began to form once more. They stung my eyes this time, and I felt mucus making its way down to my lips as I felt my face grow disgustingly moist and mushy as my emotions poured out. We stood there in silence as I found myself panting and sobbing before stopping, while doing so he caressed my back in attempt of comfort. "I'm so sorry, Florie.. Five years ago, It was a mistake... A mistake that's led me here, please believe me Florie. I never meant to hurt you, love." I felt my heart skip at the last word spoken from his lips before realizing, Jules is my weakness too. I pushed him away from me, and I grabbed the gun that was down by my side. BANG! With one shot right against his heart, he looked down at it while he still could and smiled weakly, "Love.. I love you, Florence Patino."  His last words ringed in my ear, while I felt myself breaking down against his lifeless body. I gripped onto his shirt, and felt my hands tremble at the grip, "Why now.. Why did you show up now.. God damn it Jules.. I love you too.." I widened my eyes, realizing all this time it was him, the man they were going to sell me too but also the man I had fallen in love with. But important? What the hell has he done over the coarse of five years that labels him, 'important.

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