Louis Tomlinson

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The rain pattered intensely on your window. The weather matched your mood perfectly. Louis (your boyfriend) was on tour. He'd been gone for about two or three months and you really missed him. Even though you talked on the phone and FaceTimed it just wasn't the same as him being there with you, snuggled up watching the storm or maybe a movie with you. You heard the wind blow faster. Soon there was pounding on the window and roof.

"Hail." You groaned. Lightning struck, thunder boomed and hail rained down for the next few minutes until you heard a faint siren wailing. You immediately got up and ran down into your basement. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and tried texting Louis.

You: Louis there's a tornado! I love you

You hit send hoping it would go through. The whipped around making the house creak. Your phone went off. You scrambled to get it. It wasn't Louis, the message you sent didn't send. Suddenly the ceiling above you ripped off. You screamed loudly. You stayed as low to the ground as you could so the wind wouldn't pick you up. There were pieces of debris flying all around you one of them hit you in the head. You tried to keep your eyes open but you couldn't stop the world from spinning and getting dark.

You woke up in a bed but you couldn't quite get your eyes open. You had no idea where you were. There were machines beeping and people talking around you. You heard Louis' beautiful voice, but it wasn't like it usually was. It was sad and scared. You forced your eyes open. Louis was holding your hand and had his face on the bed. His shoulders shook lightly. The other people in the room must have left because it was just Louis. You looked around the room. It was a hospital room. Suddenly the memories of earlier came flooding back.

"L.. Lou?" You squeaked.

"(Y:N)" he lifted his head off the sheets. His beautiful hair was messy like he'd been running his hands through it. His blue eyes were red and puffy.

"(Y:n)." He croaked. A small tear ran down his cheek. "Yo.. You're awake." He lightly squeezed your hand. "This is my fault." He whispered. You gave him a confused look. "Before I left I was thinking about asking you to come on tour with me but I decided not to. I thought you would say no. If I had just asked you to come this might not have happened." Suddenly Harry came through the door.

"Louis how many times do we have to tell you? Don't blame yourself." Harry demanded.

"Hazza? Were you eavesdropping?" Louis sounded mad, but Louis was never mad. At lease not at Harry.

"Louis." You tried to calm him down.

"No (y:n)! I'm tired of him listening to my conversations and acting like he needs to protect me!" He let go of your hand and stormed up to Harry. "If you don't remember Harry, I'm older than you! And I can take care of myself!" Louis pushed Harry back. Harry just stood there, shocked.

"Lou!" You shouted. He was never like this you didn't know what got into him.

"Just stay out of this (y:n)!" He snapped.

"Harry could you give us a moment." Harry obeyed your request and walked out of the room.

"Lou what's with you?" You did your best to sit up but it hurt your head.

"Nothing (y:n). I'm fine" He lied. He's always been a terrible lier.

"Obviously you're not fine. You just yelled at Harry."

"It's not just Harry." He sighed. "It's all of them. They've been treating me like a baby. Ever since we found out you were here, they've been looking at me weirdly and always asking if they can get something for me." He ran his hands through his hair.

"They're just trying to help." You ensured him.

"I know, and I appreciate it but I just want to be left alone, with you." He sat down next to your bed and grabbed your hand.

"Then just say that it's legit that easy." You chuckled.

"I know." He sighed. "It's been hard, with you in here."

"How long have I been here." You realized that you could've been in here for a while, and that was what made Louis so upset.

"Five days." He mumbled. You ran your hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry." You said.

"For what you haven't done anything wrong." Louis sat up and cupped your face.

"For putting you through this and not letting you know how much I love you. If you knew how much I love you then you wouldn't have been scared to ask me to come." You rambled.

"No! Don't be sorry." He pressed his lips against yours.

"Go apologize to Harry." You demanded. Louis nodded and left the room. You sat in silence until Zayn came in. "Hey Zayn."

"Vas happening?" He laughed. "So how's it going?"

"Well other than the fact I'm in a hospital, I have an enormous headache and Louis is being weird, I'm fine how are you?" Zayn had always been your best friend. You two hung out together when you were young. Then he got famous and introduced his band. You and Louis became good friends right away and one day he just kissed you. He asked you out and you've been dating ever since.

"I'm cool." He nodded.

"So what's wrong with Louis?"

"Ever since we found out about you being here he's been acting different. We had to take a break on the tour because he wouldn't leave the hospital." You knew how stressful it was to throw off the balance of a tour. You had to change the dates of almost every show.

"Did the doctor say when I could leave?" You just woke up and you were already sick of the hospital room.

"As soon as you're back on your feet." He shrugged.

"Alright I apologized." Louis said cheerfully as he walked in the door.

"I was just leaving." Zayn said awkwardly. He turned on his heels and walked out.

"Babe, scooch ." Louis said walking towards your bed. You shuffled to the side so Louis could lay down. It wasn't a big bed so it was hard to get the two of you situated so you were both comfortable. You lay your head on his chest and he rapped his arm around you. "You're definitely going on tour with me now." He chuckled.

(A:N) I really don't know what I was doing with this chapter it just kinda happened, so I went with it and this is what happened.
Bye my little pastries.

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