Harry Styles imagine

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You were walking around school inviting people to your party that you were throwing for summer vacation. You had basically asked everyone at school. You decided to take one more sweep of the school to see if you had missed anyone. Some of the jocks ran passed you, one of which was your ex boyfriend, Dean. You two had been broken up for a few weeks but Dean still considered you his. They ran over to someone who was digging through his locker.

"Hey styles!" One of Dean's sidekicks shouted before pulling on the collar of the guy's shirt so that he was away from his locker. You realized who the guy was. It was Harry from your math class. Josh smacked the books out of Harry's hands. One of the other guys grabbed his glasses and threw them in the garbage. Josh, one of Dean's slaves, grabbed Harry's shirt and lifted him off the ground. He pushed Harry up against a locker.

"P.. Please stop." Harry muttered. One of the guys punched him in the stomach.

"HEY! STOP." You yelled. Josh dropped Harry on the ground.

"Yo Dean! Isn't that your girlfriend?"Josh laughed. Dean shoved Josh to the side and walked over to you.

"Ex!" You corrected him.

"Babe, why are you standing up for that dweeb?" He gently put his hands on your waist. "A guy like him doesn't deserve sympathy from people like us." You didn't understand what he meant but you ignored his remark.

"Get off me you jerk!" You shoved him away.

"Baby." He cooed in your ear.

"Don't call me baby! I've already told you a thousand times we're through!" You pushed passed him and his friends. Harry was digging through the trash for his glasses. You knelt down and picked up his books that were scattered on the floor. Harry finally found his glasses and was cleaning them with his shirt. "You ok?"

"Y.. Yea I'm fine." You handed him his books. Th.. Thanks." He quickly adjusted his glasses that were now placed neatly on his face.

"No problem, Dean's a jerk anyway. Hey I'm having a party tonight night you could come if you wanna." You offered. You knew it would be a bit awkward if he came, since you and your friends never really hang out with him. It's some popular ego thing. Popular people hang out with popular people and nerds hang out with nerds. You never really liked that and always questioned it.

"I.. I probably shouldn't." He stuttered.

"Come on Harry it'll be fun." You whined. "Please?"

"Fine." He sighed.

"Ok come to my place at seven." You knew that he knew where you lived. He just lived a few houses down. "See ya there?"


*later on at the party*

"Who are you waiting for? Dean?" (Y:F:N) slurred. She was already drunk.

"No, I hate Dean." You snapped.

"Then who ya waiting for."

"Well if you have to know, I'm waiting for Harry. He said he'd come." (Y:F:N) started laughing.

"That dork from maths?" She giggled. "He's not going to show up, he's a nerd."

"And your point is?" She just shrugged.

"Well nerds are usually at home studying right now."

"He'll show up!"

"Whatever you say." She got up and walked into the crowd of drunk teenagers. You stared at the door for a while until a tall handsome boy walked in. He had curly hair and was wearing a button down shirt with the first few buttons undone showing off a few tattoos on his arms and chest. You realized it was Harry. You could barely recognized him without his large rimmed glasses and hair slicked back. You never knew that Harry had tattoos. You walked over to him.

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