Harry styles imagine pt 2

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(A:N) ok so this is just part two to the one before this. Enjoy. Also this part is for the people who read part one right when I published it. I edited it so now it's a bit longer bc this one got too long also. Go re-read that then read this one.

Once you two got to the hospital Louis went to the front desk. "What room is Harry Edward Styles in?"

"He's still in surgery you'll have to wait in the waiting room Louis." At first you were confused about how this lady knew his name but then you remembered that they were world renowned pop stars, she must have been a fan. You followed Louis to the waiting room and sat down on a chair. Your phone was blowing up from all the Twitter and Instagram notifications. They were all about Harry being shot. Some people were saying sorry to me some people were spreading rumors about why he got shot and him being dead already. But one thing caught your eye. He deserves to die. You dropped your phone and burst out into tears. "(Y:n)?" Louis got up and grabbed your phone to see what you were looking at. "Assholes." He muttered. "(Y:n) don't listen to them. We tell you this all the time." He sighed. Louis knelt down in front of you.

"I know." You sobbed. "B.. But why would anyone ever say that about Harry?" You looked up at Louis who's eyes were red and teary.

"I don't know (y:n)." He sniffled. Louis suddenly pulled you into a hug. You slid off the chair so you could hug him back. You heard people's voices then another person put their arms around you and another then another. You looked up to see Niall, Liam, and Zayn with tears sliding down their cheeks.

"Harry's out of surgery and is in recovery." You all looked at the lady. "You can go see him but I don't suggest everyone go at once." All the boys told you to go first so you wouldn't overwhelm him.

"We'll go see him after you." Liam assured you. The lady led you down the hallway to a room. You saw Harry's long brown locks framing his face. His chest rose and fell deeply. His eyes were shut softly. There were IVs sticking out of him and machines were beeping and buzzing around him. He had bandages on his side covering the wound. You were speechless, seeing him this was hurt you so much.

"H.. Harry." You managed to choke out. He stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes. You stepped closer to him. "Harry?" You took his hand and squeezed it lightly. This time he opened his eyes and looked at you. You couldn't help the sob that escaped your lips. "Harry."

"Ow." He grumbled. You realized you were squeezing his had really hard.

"A.. Are you ok?" You asked.

"Now that you're here I am." He smiled and squeezed your hand back. "Are the boys here?" He asked hopefully. You nodded.

"Guys he wants to see you." You called out. You knew they were hiding by the door, you could hear them mumbling inaudible things.

"Hey Hazza." Louis said gently.

"Hey." Liam and Zayn said simultaneously.

"Jeez Harry you look like shit." Niall commented. Louis smacked the back of his head. "Ow I was just saying, he usually is smiling and you know isn't in a hospital bed." Louis hit him again. Although he did look like shit you couldn't help but find him still extremely attractive.

"Thanks Niall." Harry joked.

"You really got yourself in trouble this time didn't ya Harry?" Liam chuckled.

"Nah. This? This is nothing I'll be fine." He said sounding a little loopy. It must be the meds they put him on. Harry shifted to look at you.

"We should give them some privacy." Zayn suggested. The rest of the boys agreed.

"We'll talk to you later Hazza." Louis assured him. Once they were gone Harry scooted over and patted the spot next to him. You gladly lay down next to him.

"So I saved your life." He stated. "Once I'm out of this your gonna need to repay me." He said smirking. His IV free hand rested on your thigh, his thumb drew circles on your thigh.

"That's the just drugs talking." You giggled.

"No I'm serious, I'm not letting you risk your life to save me so you'll just have to do the next best thing."

"Fine." You sighed.

"Promise?" He made his voice drop a little lower trying to turn you on.

"I promise." You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. After a minute he pulled away from you.

"I love you (y:n), and that's not the drugs talking." He chuckled.

"I love you too."

(A:N) omfg I was crying writing both of these parts. I really hope you like it, bc I really do, even though it's kind of sad. Bye my little pastries.

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