Zayn Malik

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You were sitting at the counter eating alone again Zayn (your boyfriend) was always at the studio. He went there early and got home late. So you never got to see him. You've been thinking about it a lot and decided that it was time to leave. If he never had time for you then you'd just leave. It's not like he'd notice. You get up not even bothering to clean up and go upstairs. You grab a small suitcase and throw a few things in it. You want Zayn to know why you're leaving so you write a note explaining everything and not to talk to you anymore. It kinda hurt you to write that but you knew it was for the best. You take the note and the suitcase to the kitchen and place the note on the table next to your dinner plate. You take one last look around your flat, looking through the rooms going through old memories you had with Zayn. Your guy's life here was good till he threw himself into his work. You knew he had thousands of other girls to please and make happy but he seemed to just forget about you entirely. There was a time when you were his world and he loved you with all his heart but now he barely talks to you. You're taking your last look at the living room when you hear Zayn walking in the door.

"I'm home early (y:n) I was thinking we could hangout if you know what I mean." He chuckles then sees you with the suitcase. "A.. Are we going somewhere babe?" He asks confused. He walks over to the table and sees the note. He reads it quickly. "I.. Is this a joke?"

"No Zayn I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." You inform him and make for the door. You feel his tight grip on your arm.

"No don't go I love you (y:n)." Tears start to well up in his big beautiful brown eyes.

"No Zayn I'm leaving you're never here! You never seem to have time for me and I tried to think about all the girls you were trying to make happy but I just can't Zayn you've completely forgotten about me!" You snap at him and try to leave again.

"(Y:n) no d.. Don't leave me you're my everything I'll throw it all away for you. I'll quit making music just don't go." Tears fall down his perfect face. It took everything thing in you not to just forgive him and tell him how much you love him.

"No Zayn don't give up your damn music it's obviously more important than me." You knew it sounded selfish but you wanted to be treated like someone loved you and Zayn just didn't.

"Please stay (y:n) I'll fix this I'll make it up to you I promise just don't go." He wipes away the tears that were now violently streaming down his face. "I love you so much and I'm willing to give it all up if you just don't leave me please." He falls to his knees crying still holding your wrist. "I'm nothing without you (y:n)" He looks up at you but not with his normal photogenic hot sexy look or his beautiful smile he looks at you with a pained expression. Tears soaked his cheeks.

"I love you so much." You give in and let go of the suitcase and wrap your arms around him and cry.

"I'm so sorry (y:n) this is all my fault." He holds you tightly.

"It's ok Zayn." Zayn rubs your back and kisses your cheek.

"Never do that again please I don't think I'd be able to take it if you left."

"I'm never leaving Zayn." You pull his face up and wipe away the tears on his cheeks. Looking at him like this made you realize that you can't ever leave. Zayn lifts up his large hand and wiped away a few tears from your face. You didn't know when you started crying, maybe it was before you even tried to leave, before Zayn stopped you.

"I'm so freaking in love with you I'm a mess without you only half human I'm not complete without you." He started crying again.

"I love yo.." You started but Zayn cut you off.

"I'm not finished. I'm quitting music I'll stop recording and stop writing everything I'll be here with you and I'll start a family and you'll never ever be lonely."

"Zayn no please keep doing music it's your passion it's what you love.." Zayn cut you off again.

"I love you more than my career."

"Stay in the music business i love your songs and the music and I love you. You may not be complete without me but you aren't you without music." You rested your forehead on his.

"Ok but I'll try to stop recording as much and start being home more because even though I'm still doing this I want that family with you." He smiled slightly and rubbed your neck.

"I want that too" you smiled kissing him. He kisses back immediately. You just sit there for a moment holding each other until Zayn suddenly gets up. He grabs the note that you wrote earlier that day.

"I'm burning this." He said before going to the fireplace and igniting the fire wood already in there. He throws it in there then smiled as if he accomplished something huge just by throwing that one piece of paper into the flames. You grab a blanket and snuggle under it with him next to the fire.

(A:N I'm so sorry it took so long for me to publish this I just kinda stopped writing for a while)

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