My Life In The Bronx

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When i come to the Bronx, obviously escaping from my home, i find a little place especially for me in the bridge and i begin try to rest cause i be so tired for run a lot. In this moment a huge of color mens, color womens, color boys and color girls seem me with surprise and nerviouslly.

"What are you doing here?" - Ask to me the most older of the mens who apparently be the leader of the group.

"I escape from my home, my daddy kills my mommy and now i'm orphan. I come here to forget everything and i don't want have problems with anybody, forgive me please and if necessary i gonna follow my road to find another place to rest." - I answer to him really nervious, with my dry throat and tears rollins to my face.

"Mmmmm, obviously we're only black people who lives here and a few white people who let them to living here. With you we're gonna do an exception too, you're gonna be part of my family. I'm present to you my name is Oswald Nickelsson, this is my wife Rose Marieh...

"Hi, nice to meet you little beautiful child"- A beautiful ebony older woman talks to me.

"Nice to meet you too lovely lady". - I say to the woman.

My son Timothy, his wife Samantha and his kids Horace, Rupert, Elliot and Rebecca...

"Hello little kid, how are you?". - Timothy ask to me, an atractive sir nearly to 32.

"Fine thank's and you sir?"

"I'm very well, thank's".

Then his wife talks to me "You're so little, taller and thin from your age, how old are you pretty girl?" - Samantha is beauty and most younger than her husband, she's nearly to 28.

"Only 7 years old ma'am" - I answer to her.

"Oh she's so sweet and gorgeous and her modals... she's an angel. Kids you must learn to her this!!!"

"Ok, mom" - They answer at the same time and then Rebecca show to me her tongue.

"Don't do this!! she's our guest, is this clear to you Rebecca?"

"Yes mommy, so sorry" - She says to me.

"Don't worry" - I smile to her, Rebecca is nearly to my age, she has 6 years old and her brothers Horace the most older nearly to 15, Rupert nearly to 12 and Elliot the most younger of the boys nearly to 9.

My daughter Anna Louise, her husband Virgil and her childs Viola, Violette, Victhoria and Victhor...

"Oh Virgil, she's so beauty, nice and have good modals, she's so perfect to us. Can we adopt her?" - Anna Louise an spectacular ebony woman nearly 30 ask to her husband a normal man nearly 31.

"Don't even think about it, if the police catch us with this beauty girl, obviously they think we kidnapp her and we're gonna pass our lifes in jail like criminals and our childs gonna grow up without us".

"Hi little child my name is Viola, i'm 14 years old nice to meet you and what's your name? - A beauty teenager ask to me.

"My name is Monette Adeleur and nice to meet you too Viola". - I say to her.

"Hello, my name is Violette, i'm 12 years old and i love your blonde hair, your goldilocks and your honey-hazel eyes".

"I love your brown eyes, your brunette curly hair and your ebony skin is so beautiful". - I say this to her with all my heart.

"My name is Victhoria, i'm 10 years old and nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too and i love the name Victhoria". - I tell to the third child she's most spectacular and gorgeous ebony, she's so similar like her mother.

Then the most younger of his family, starts to present to me.

"My name is Victhor, i'm 8 years old and your so beauty like a doll, like the princess i dream in my dreamers goldilocks, pretty Monette". - He's so gorgeous and handsome like a model of a magazine, he makes me blush a lot and i'm feel so hesitate.

"You're so handsome and gorgeous too Victhor" - I smiling to him with a very red face like a tomato.

"Virgil she's falling in love to our son and our son is falling in love to her" - Anna Louise talks to her husband.

"Well, well only the way she cans conform part of our family is married to our child, but we need to know is she is virgin or not".

My younger son Arthur is 28 years old and his twin Antonne who is married with her beautiful ebony wife call Arlette and she is 23 years old". - Finally Oswald Nickelsson finish his presentation with a lot of interrupts.

"I'm can be his volunteer to see if she's virgin or not"- Anthony says and he comes nearly to me and i starts to screams.

"No please, no!! Let me alone, i'm not virgin cause my father rapes to me infinity times, so sorry for this and i don't want to incomodate you. Please forgive me and let me continue my journey to another place to rest, cause i'm not feel ok". - When i finish to talk to them, all the place to moves very faster, quickly besides me and i down unconscious for the dehydrate.

Finally they let me stay in their house for a while meanwhile i recovery phisycs and psicologichs for the bigger suffered i passed with the died to my mommy and the rapes to my daddy.

Victhor, his sisters and his mommy starts to feeding me, give to me water for the dehydrate and cover me with sheets and blankets in their shorter room.

I'm very gratefully to them, cause they give to me a lot of protection when i most need it.

Then i start to rest more deeper and finally, i begin to recover my health slowly but very sure, to make an effort and recover my capacities especially mentals after the horrible shock i passes.

Their home is very humild, but the leader accepts me like an other member in his comunity and this make me so happy, only i'll hope my father doesn't follow my steps and catch me cause if he does it i gonna back to the awful life i had.

Please God doesn't let him find me and make me disgusting things like he did it before when my mommy lived.

When i'm praying my eyes covers with tears a lot of it and i weep profouslly, cause this sorrow come deeper inside in my heart.

"No mommy, don't let me please, let me stay with you...NOOOOOOOU". - I crying, yells and weeps a lot cause the tears don't let me rest profouslly.

"Shhhh beauty, everything is gonna be ok, shhh don't cry please". - Anna Louise tell me and try to comforting me with very worry about my health.

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