-Prologue ;

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SKIP THE PROLOGUE. I feel the prologue is very very boring ! =/

Prologue ;

Everyone has some secrets kept, secrets that could not tell, secrets that may need to go through pain and torture, secrets enough to change people's lives.

Just as I thought that the guy I loved dearly loves my bff, I found out a secret, that would actually remain as a secret forever.

Was I wrong? To force two people together.

Am I wrong? To try not to cause her, whom was my dear friend, sorrows and pain and lied to her.
In the end.. The one he really loves is not her, and he will not fallen for her, not when..He still loves...

As I rushed over to the guy I loved dearly hoping that he would still be there for me to tell him that, that someone loved him too, before he leaves this world along with the pain from loving the girl and keeping it deep within his heart with unreturned feelings till death tear him apart.

My bestfriend thinks her boyfriend is him, but is actually his twin brother.Where stories live. Discover now