Chasing numbers ( Page 2 )

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However, Once I was away into a deep sleep, the dreams began to happen. Every night I would have the same dream. A boy would appear out of now where and suddenly grab my hand, and take me into a room and lock the doors behind us.

Once we had entered the room and the door was locked, he'd sit me down and start to brush my long blonde hair (which I found unusual) He used to brush my hair for about 20 minutes then he'd stop and walk away, vanishing into the darkness, like a spec of dust.

I used to sit in that room for about an hour just staring at the cold, dark black walls. My bright pale blue eyes, staring into a hole of darkness. I didnt know how I could manage to sit there and stare at nothing for an hour!

As I looke around the room, my eyes stopped on the wall to the far right of me. Examining the scratch marks and the odd stain of blood on the door. The room had an eerie feel to it, like a room you should never go into... An abandone room.

The room was as cold as ice, I could practically feel the coldness on my skin, plus you could see your own breath when you breathed. There was always a book lying on the table which said ' Tales of the great pale white..'

Next to the book was a little note saying " Only open and read this book when you feel the time is right." I never really thought much of this, so I never opened the book, but today I felt curious.


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