Chapter 8: Golden/Red Marks

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"I invoke the ice god! Let me run and freeze!" I feel the change happening

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"I invoke the ice god! Let me run and freeze!" I feel the change happening. While the demon burned, the god felt like my blood had stopped, and ice ran in my blood. My god like form looks scary, but it's still me. My eye magic is useless in this form as well since it's an ice angel magic.

"Ice freeze and brake wall." As soon as I brake the wall I jump using my snow magic to soften the landing. (Yep you learned how to use your ice magic as if it was snow.) I run as soon as I get up, but all the stuff I wear to invoke the gods and my magic was slowing me down. This is my best fighting form, but I was slow, so I go to normal.

When I get back to the guild after days of walking was worse than if I has stayed on that ship. They yelled, punched, kicked, used magic, and anything else they could do to me for almost killing Natsu, Wendy, Happy, Gajeel, Lily, Carla, and the newest member, Kella. I just let them do it to me as well until.

"STOP! You can't hurt her anymore! What she did was wrong, but we don't know why, and we know that's not owe (Y/N)! Wendy and Kella yell out.

"Wendy. Kella. Let them. I gave Zeref what he needed. I gave him my blood years ago. It's all my fault in the end." I cry out.

"No. (Y/N) you didn't mean to. I saw it in your eyes. They burned, but not the same in each eye. One burned with sorrow and pain, and the other with hate. You are part of Fairy Tail, and I know you would never do such a thing on purpose to us." Wendy says full of care for me.

"That's right, but if you ever try that on purpose I'll take you down." Natsu tells me

"Natsu, not helping." Lucy says when she sees my tears worsen.

"Sorry." He says.

"Wendy, may I go to owe room, that is if we still share." I say when I've pulled of my hood. "I just want to sleep it off unil I can even bare to deal with it. Don't worry about food or water. I'm a demon, angel, god, and cursed human. I don't need food."

"Of course it's still owes."

"I'll be there. Kella can tell you everything you need to know." With that I walk, slouch, off.

~Kella POV~

"Alright you heard the ma'am! EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LESSON TO WHAT I KNOW!"

That gets them to be quit.

"That's better, now let's start. Poor (Y/N)'s parents were not human. Her father is a demon and angel, and mother is a human and god. About four years ago she didn't look human anymore, more like a mixed person, or as others would call a monster. Her demon can be enslaved and used if three requirements are met, but I do not know what they are. She's also immortal, and is not affected by the curse that killed her half sister Mavis. She is what some would call 1/4 death, 1/4 light health and life, and 1/2 fate. She was born and bred to kill her own kind for ever, and the dragons at the same time. She lives a cruel life that you have no idea about. She is being hunted down by everything, and she only fought for two things, this place of people that don't even know her honestly, and for someone I may not say."

I change into my cat human form. 

"Now if you make her cry again, I'll send you to the E.R for a week at lest. God it?"

"Yes ma'am!" They all say scared of me. In one day I made a big bang. 

~Back to normal~

A few hours have passed before I came out and went downstairs.

"Hey how are you doing?" Kella asks me.

"Alive, like always." I change into god like form. "But if any of you touch me again I'll make sure you hurt!" I turn around and yell, than sit down.

"You would think I did that on perpuse at how bad they acted. Mira I'll take any job we have."

"You are not going anywhere until we talk." Erza tells me dragging me off to her room. "Sit, and talk. We're here for you, but you have to talk."

"I don't have to do anything! Incase you have forgotten I'm the Wizard God! I'm not even human!"

"No but we know you wont hurt Wendy, and she's here." Lucy says.

"Fine I'll talk, but you wont like what I have to say. Levy you're released of your main part of the promise, just don't say the main thing."

She nods

"Now what's happened in the seven years you were gone is easy. I became top wizard in the world that isn't evil. I don't age, I'm unstable for mankind, and oh yea my old crush is Zeref! Now are you happy! My love belongs to a dark wizard that I've known for over 400 years, and even after he used me on you I still love him! I'm leaving! Wendy I'll see you later." I jump out threw the open window landing softly, by invoking my angel form for only a moment, than I run off to the guild. 

When I get to the guild I do to the bar and sit. "Mira I'm leaving for a while. I have to hunt an old friend down. Kella doesn't need to come. This is my path and I need to be alone."

"Good bye than. How long do you plan to be gone?"

"As long as it takes to find the old twin of mine. She's the fire to my ice, and the dark to my light."

"I see. Good luck."

"Thanks." Than I leave into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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