There Will Come a Time

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He had fallen into a rut...he went to the gym, then work once that was done he'd hit the gym again before finally calling it a night.

It had been that way for months now, it started after that awful day in court, it was his 'day of infamy' he was being over dramatic, for sure. It was just the best way to describe it, he would never get the words out of his head.

The look in her eyes as she spoke them, it was apparent to him and everyone else from the unit that she was trying to avoid his gaze.

Problem was he couldn't move his gaze from her, her words cut him to the quick. He remembered gasping and feeling Al's hand on his shoulder, as much as her words hurt him he still found himself head over in heels in love with her.

That was what did him in...what continued to ruin him.

He'd heard them all, Mouse's voice was the loudest of the group.

'Move on' they'd tell him, they'd remind him frequently that Kim had moved on and he should too. That he was just prolonging his misery, he just couldn't bring himself to actually do it.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

Adam knew in his heart what they didn't, Kim was it for him. No one else would fill his heart so completely as she had. He could try and fill that hole with someone else but it would be a waste of time and incredibly unfair to do that to someone.

He kept close tabs on her, but he avoided conversation with her, not out of hate but out of fear.

He was still struggling to piece his heart back together and he was still so fragile that he couldn't risk it.

Kevin had told him that she was miserable and trying to get her head on straight. Everyone quickly realized just how lost Kim was when the pod footage was shown in court, Kim would never have made the choices she did that night if she was thinking straight.

When they were together, she didn't even like to kiss where they could be seen and their relationship was out in the open. The fact that she was willing to make out in a patrol car in a darkened alley set off red flags for all of them but especially Adam and Platt.

Platt. God love her, she tried to talk some sense into Kim but it fell on deaf ears.

Adam shifted on the couch, a Cubs game playing in the background. This was his life now, it was a Saturday night and he found himself on the couch..alone.

His thoughts drifted to Kim...he wondered what she was doing this very minute.

That day Sean appeared in the bullpen, telling everyone goodbye, Adam prayed the guy would just bypass him.

He didn't.

Adam knew it had taken balls for Sean to approach him, and while he wanted to pummel the shit out of him..he didn't. That wouldn't have gotten him anywhere and while in the heat of the moment he would have taken great joy in it..that would be short lived.

Above all else he wanted Kim's respect, he'd lost her..he couldn't lose her respect.

If he had any glimmer of hope for them he needed to be civil to Roman, he needed to be an adult about it.

He'd earned the respect of his unit, they marveled at how well he handled everything...each commenting that they didn't know if they could handle it the way he had if they'd been in his shoes.

They didn't know what he knew, what he knew in the deepest part of his soul.

The love he felt for Kim was matter how she stomped on his heart he'd never stop loving her.

It was a blessing and a curse.

And now I cling to what I knew
I saw exactly what was true
But oh no more
That's why I hold,
That's why I hold with all I have.
That's why I hold

He'd hold on to that love with all he had, he would tighten his grip and hold stead fast until she was back in his arms.

Where she belonged.

Whatever it took, however long it took.

He needed her back in his arms.


I'm trying with this's tricky to make it flow.

I know it's lacked dialogue and that always makes it difficult to read and get into it...hopefully the next chapter will help.

I'm seeing how that chapter flows and I'll go from there..

Also, I know Platt was supportive of Broman...but I'm ignoring it...pretending it never happened that way and that Platt hated Broman as much as we did 😂😂

Please let me know your thoughts..positive or negative. I don't mind, just be honest.

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