With Grace in Your Heart and Flowers in Your Hair

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Adam raced down the long corridor, his heart thudding in his ears. He'd barely allowed time for Kevin to stop his car before he jumped out. He knew it deep within his soul..his father was gone.

His father had died and he wasn't at his side, he'd never forgive himself.

As he turned the corner, he spotted Kim sitting on the floor outside of his father's room..he now knew who his 'wife' was, "Kim?"

Her head snapped up and she jumped to her feet, "Adam.." She could see the fear on his face, "he's still hanging on...but barely..go in" she gently squeezed his forearm.

He sighed out of relief, as short lived as it was, Adam nodded, "Okay.."

He sucked in a breath as he stood at the threshold of the door, the doctors examining him, "Hey pops" Adam choked out, fighting with the lump in his throat. He refused to cry, he'd have plenty of time to cry later. His father needed him to be strong and that's exactly what he was going to be.

"Dad..hey" Adam spoke as he went to the side of the bed, his father had barely acknowledged his presence, he brought his hand to his father's cheek, "I'm here now..I love you..you're my hero dad. You've always been that..you still are. You've been so brave..a little stubborn" Adam laughed softly, "but it's okay dad...you fought hard...you can let go.." a tear rolled off the tip of Adam's nose, he sniffled, "it's okay Pops...you don't have to fight anymore..I know you're tired"

Adam looked up and watched as his father's heart stopped beating and the doctors turned off the alarms, he brought his forehead down to rest on his father's and stood that way as his father's heart beat for the last time.

"We will give you some privacy" the doctor rubbed Adam's back, "just use the call button when you're ready"

Kim jumped up as the door opened, "Bob?"

The doctor looked at his feet, "He's gone..Adam's a mess. I'm glad you're here" he patted her arm, "we had no idea he was married, but I'm glad he's not alone anymore"

"He's not married" Kim confessed, "we were supposed to get married but we broke up...I lied to all of you..I just needed to see Bob.."

The doctor waved her off, "it doesn't matter, not really. Adam needs all the support he can get, Bob liked you. He let you stay" he shrugged, "take care"

Adam released his grip on his father and went for the small chair in the corner of the room, he pulled it closer to the bed and sat down. He felt as if everything was falling apart, his father was gone.

He knew this day was coming...it didn't lessen the blow at all.

He heard the creak of the door as it opened and her soft voice, "Adam..baby.."

He ran his hands across his cheeks, "Hey.." He croaked out, "my wife..huh?" A nervous laugh escaped his lips.

"I'm sorry..I needed to see him" Kim fought her own tears, it was hard to believe that less than a half hour ago Bob had been alive, "can I do anything?"

Adam looked up at her, "Don't leave me.."

She could see the tears well in his eyes and she went to him, "Come here..." She held her arms out to him.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled into her hair as she held him, "I'm sorry" he repeated before falling apart.

She could feel his body tremble as he cried, the tears falling from his eyes with a force she'd never seen before. He was inconsolable, she did the only thing she could do.

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