How you meet...

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You had met Tony through Bruce, you worked in his lab with him taking down notes and keeping the chemicals in there own sections, so they didn't cause any hazards. Once morning a very loud guy came in shouting something along the lines of 'Wheres the big guy at'

You looked over at Bruce just as he rolled his eyes 'Who's that?' You asked wiping down your apron which was full of shiny black liquid, thanks to the earlier spillage.

'That is a problem' He says, chuckling to himself, in that moment a guy, a very handsome guy should I note came in through the door not even bothering to knock. He had short brown hair that was perfectly styled and a clean cut shaven beard.

'Ahh there you are, for a second I thought you might of gone of hiding again' he says bluntly

Bruce laughs lightly 'No no, i'm here where I always am' he says while rubbing his arm up and down in a nervous manner, something Bruce tends to do a lot 'So what can i help you with? '

'You know the thing we were talking about the other day?'

'The thing?' Bruce asks looking slightly confused

'Uh hum, the thing, thing' Tony replies, nodding his head encouragingly

'Im not sure i know what your on about Tony, do you wanna come back another time when im not busy, me and (Y/N) here, were just finishing off with the last of this' he says pointing to all the paperwork laid out on the table.

At the mention of your name Tony looks up like hes just noticed for the first time that your in the room, 'Oh Hi' he says holding out his hand 'Im Tony Stark

You take his hand in yours and shake it lightly 'I know who you are' you laugh 'I think everyone on the planet does, Im (Y/N) (Y/L/N)'

'Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl' he says while gently squeezing your hand, you have heard what a playboy Tony Stark is, so you ignore his comment and instead just nod your head and carry on with the work you were doing.

Bruce and Tony begin speaking quietly about the 'Thing' whatever that was, as your doing you work you cant hep but admire how good looking Tony really is, as your staring he looks up and smirks as he catches you, you feel your face heat up and know your blushing furiously.


It was a sunny day so you decided to go for a run in the park. Bad idea, you were only running for about fives minutes when you already felt like an oven, you stopped for a quick drink of water to cool yourself off.

'Come on your not giving up that easy are you?' a man with blonde hair says and he runs past you smiling.

'Were not all as fit as you' you say referring to his muscles, although blush furiously when he takes it the wrong way and smirks at you but carries on running.

you also decide to keep running after cooling off a little, you notice the blonde guy is way in front of you now and that makes you feel a little less calmer knowing theirs a big distance between you guys.

After running for what seems like ages your almost back at the place where you started off, meaning you've nearly ran a mile. As your approaching the end of your run you here a familiar voice behind you 

'Not to brag or anything but i've now done three laps to your almost one' he says smiling brightly

You cant help but smile back and give a sarcastic reply 'What is it you want an award or something?'

he chuckles at your response and motions for you to stop running, when you do he grabs your hand and leads you over to a bench.

'So do you run often?' he asks, you can tell he knows the answer and hes just trying to mess with you, so you decide to play along.

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