Bunch of Random Avengers imagines and preferences because lets be real who doesn't love the avengers.
Will include:
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Thor Odinson
James Barnes (The Winter Soldier)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Loki Lauf...
'Steeeeeeeeve' you shouted to your boyfriend who was currently downstairs doing sweet FA 'I need your help'
Within a flash he was upstairs and leaning against the door frame 'hey Doll whats up?' he asks
'Which one?' you ask holding up two dresses, one was dark blue, with a short front and a long back, the other completely black with silver jewels laid out against the chest and the back.
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'Errm I mean they're a bit much to wear around the house don't you think?' Steve asks looking slightly confused.
'Urgh seriously Steve' everyday this week you had mentioned to Steve how it was your friends birthday and she was throwing a masquerade themed birthday party and somehow whenever you mentioned it he always seemed to 'forget'
'its my Friends birthday remember' Blank face..
'Shes having a party' you continue black face....
'Its masquerade themed, shes invited me, i'm going, I don't know how you still don't understand this rogers?'
'Oh that' he says as he strolls over to the bed, still not answering your question
'Yes that, so come on help me out which one shall i wear?'
'Errm they're a little flash don't you think' Steve answers looking at the dresses in a mixture of disgust and confusion
'Steve this is how people dress these days, so it would be very helpful it you could just tell me which one you dislike the least, that way I might actually get an answer out of you'
'I like the long one' he says 'At least then you'll be covered up a bit more, all though your whole back is out in the long one, where as its covered in the shorter one even though your legs will be out if you wear that one'
'Steve!' you shout pulling him out of his little reverie 'Whats the problem?'
he sighs before walking over to you 'Look baby you'll look beautiful in both of them, but i just don't like the thought of other men ogling you when i'm not around' he says as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his strong grip
You giggle and squeeze his bum cheeks which causes him to blush intensely 'Oh Stevie, you didn't think you'd get away with it that easy did you' you say pulling away and walking over to the wardrobe
'What?' he asks cautiously
You open the door and pull out steves 'present' which you had got him earlier today
'What is that?' he asks
'A suit' you state pulling it out of its dry cleaning bag
'Yes' you clear your throat 'So Mr rogers will you do me the honor of being my date to the masquerade ball tonight?'
You bow holding out your hand which Steve takes willingly 'how could i say no to such a beautiful lady' he replies
'Good, because even if you did, i would of made you come anyway, now let me show you your suit.
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'figured your a red kind of guy' you laugh holding the suit against his buff body
He smirks 'Did you borrow this from Stark or something?'
'Actually....... No, i found it in a old vintage shop down town, besides it be better when I get to take you out of it' you whisper seductively into Steves ear before skipping out the door
knowing Steve is still probably standing there shocked you shout up to him 'Steve get ready we only have two hours until we have to be there' and with that you hear him quickly start moving and getting ready for the night ahead.