Bump in the Road

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Chapter 3:


Jade's P.O.V.

    After Perrie left, I got a phone call from my boyfriend, Sam.

    "Hey babe! How's vacation?" I asked into the phone.

    "It's ok. It would be better if you were here."

    "I wish I could be. At least I'll see you at school on Monday!" I was excited that I would be able to see him. It's been a month since I saw him last!

    "Yeah! I can't wait. I miss you so much!"

    "You too. So what time are you guys coming in at the airport on Sunday?"

    "Around 8:00."

    "Ugh! That's to long!"

    "I'll see you soon enough."

    "Yeah. I just can't wait to see you!!! It's been a week. That's way too long!"

    "I know babe. I miss you too. Sorry but I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow! Love you!"

    "Love you too!" I said into the phone before hanging up.

     I got on my laptop and checked my emails. "Ugh! So much spam!"

    I kept scrolling until I came across an email from Sam. I rarely check my emails and this one was from a little before he left. I quickly clicked on it.

Dear Jade,

     I know I'm probably long gone by the time you read this. You know that vacation I took? Well...I actually moved... I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I left. I just couldn't see you cry. I don't know if you want to do a long distance relationship or not but, if you don't I understand. I've arranged some dates to come back to see you, my family and some other close friends. The first is when my "vacation" ends. All of my other friends already know that I'm going. Please don't cry...

    I stopped reading for a second trying to see if I read that correctly. I started to cry. I couldn't believe it. I was sad that he was gone for a month but, now I know that I'll never see him... I continued to read.

I can't wait to see you again. Please email me back. I need to know when you get this. If you want to send my anything send it to this address. It's in Denver, Colorado U.S.A. :

153 Yed Ave.


I love you and... I'm sorry.



    I couldn't email back. I see to sad to do anything at that point. Not only did he move but he moved across the world! I immediately called him, hoping that he'd pick up. He answered on the 3rd ring.

    "Hey babe," I heard him say into his phone.

     "Hi," I quietly replied.

     "What's wrong?"

     "You should know."

      I could hear him sigh on the other end of the phone. "You got the email, didn't you?"

     "Mmm hmm."

     "I'm sorry," he said. I could tell he was crying. "I didn't know how much I'd miss you until you were gone."

     "So...do you think that we'll still work or-," I couldn't even finish my sentence. I can't even think of what life would be like if him and I weren't dating.

    "It's up to you. If you choose not to then I completely get it."

     "I'm not sure. I love you but, I'm not sure if I could handle long distance..."

    "Then...maybe it's better to break up..." he's not even trying to hide his tears now. Neither am I.

    I silently nod, knowing he can't see me.

     "So...is this goodbye?" he asks.

     "I guess it is..."

     "I love you."

     "I love you too," I silently whisper before hearing beeping, signaling that he had ended the call. For the rest of the night, I sat and cried on my bed until I drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

     Hey! I'm dedicating this chapter to @GrumpyKatx! They write the sweetest comments! Thanks! Oh andOmfg! I've finally updated! I'm so sorry I'm a crap updater! You like? If you do, please comment! Sorry it's short. I knew if I didn't update soon then I wouldn't have anyone to read my book! Not like I do anyway.*sigh* Oh well! Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote, and read my other fan-fic, Case Closed! Thanks to those who do!


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