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Boyeong sat in the library, fiddling with her tea, searching the passing faces.

Her books were neatly stacked on the table in front of her, and she scowled when she noticed that her tea had gone cold.

He was late.

She was just debating whether she should leave now or in five minutes when flowers were hastily put in front of her face, and she looked up to see a tall boy standing over her.

"Ahn Boyeong? Sorry I'm late, my last tutoring session went longer than expected."

She quirked an eyebrow at him, setting the flowers aside and opening her textbook.

"Do you always talk about your other girlfriends to your date?"

He looked surprised, and she was distracted by the dimples on his round cheeks.

"Is this a date?"

She suddenly felt the urge to blush.

"Well, you arrived 10 minutes late, and tried to make up for it with flowers. Sounds like every date I've been on."

He laughed, and Boyeong looked away before he caught her staring.

"You're in my class aren't you? You always study during lunch."

Boyeong looked up at him in surprise, her mouth gaping open.

He knew her?

"Let's get started, shall we?"

¤ Nice Guy ¤ Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now