Stories in the Shade

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Chapter Fourteen-

I woke groggily, moaning at the pain in my neck as I lifted my head to see my surroundings. It was morning, I gathered, well past morning. The sun beat hotly straight above me, already causing sweat to slick my back and forehead. The ground beneath me moved like the earth was sighing. My eyes darted to where I was lying to see Derikia’s glistening green scales shinning into my eyes. No wonder my neck hurts, I recalled falling asleep on him the night before.

Last night came crashing into me yet again, making me catch my breath in surprise at the blow. Each scene replayed in my mind, causing more pain than good. Tears threatened to fall to my cheeks, but I forced them down. I’ve done enough crying, it’s time to move on. I have to be strong for Gran and Marcus, tears and sobs will get me nowhere. My arms wound around my midsection and I held myself together.

It will get easier. Derikia whispered in my mind supportively, sharing my sudden grief. I ran my hand over his scales in appreciation.

I hope. I sighed as I straightened up on top of Derikia and looked around our camp site for the first time. The clearing was small, but large enough to hold two dragons. Tree’s surrounded it on all sides except for a small stream furthest from us. My eyes traveled to a small fire burning dully with a pot over it until they found Eragon sitting lazily by it. He wore no sword; instead his weapons lay attached to Saphira’s saddle on the ground. Somehow, that was reassuring to me. Saphira was nowhere in sight, which alarmed me.

She’s hunting. Derikia informed me quickly, easing my panic.

Slowly, I slipped to the edge of his large back and pulled my legs out until they dangled uselessly over the edge. I pushed myself off and was sent sliding to the ground. My legs hit the dust painfully, causing me to stumble back into Derikia’s side. I moaned at my body’s soreness and sank dejectedly to the ground. Every muscle in my body screamed at me in pain at any movement I dared to make.

“First ride is always the hardest.” Eragon said with a smile as he walked over to me. He offered me a hand, which I took gratefully. Slowly, with his arm around my waist and me blushing furiously, we made our way to the fire. Eragon sat me down gently and handed me a rough looking bowl filled with a small portion of dried meet and greens. I stared at him quizzically.

 “Breakfast,” He explained sheepishly, ducking his head in embarrassment. I grimaced at the bowl but dug in anyway, surprised at how hungry I was. Eragon handed me a pouch of water and watched as I chugged the whole thing down in one gulp.

“Thanks.” I smiled as I handed the empty pouch back to him. He took it and walked towards the stream and began to refill the water I had so easily drained. The heat of the day poured down on our camp site, and sitting by a fire wasn’t helping me to cool down. Noticing some shade from an overhanging tree limb, I limped ungracefully out of the sun’s harmful rays. I watched as Eragon put out the fire before he came and sat down a few feet from me, letting out a puff of air.

We sat in silence, me not bothering to fill in the gaps of awkwardness. I wasn’t even completely aware of what we were doing. My mind traveled a mile a minute, thinking about what Gran was doing. She must have read the letter by now. What did she think? Is she upset with me? Does she care? Then I began to think of Marcus. He already knew the night before that I would be leaving, but did he tell Gran of our meeting? I hope he didn’t. How will she ever forgive me if I said goodbye to him in person and only wrote he a crumpled up letter with ink stains on the sides? I bite my lip, second guessing my leaving completely.

“Can I ask you something?” Eragon’s voice startled me out of my thoughts. I turned to him with my tired eyes trying to focus on his mouth. What had he asked? Oh, right.

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