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Chapter Twenty One-

We're almost there. Eragon whispered to my thoughts. We had been walking for miles. Before we stared, Eragon had said it would alarm the Varden if two dragons suddenly come flying straight towards their camp. At first I hadn't thought much of the walking part, but now I wished we would have taken Derikia and Saphira with us. My feet were aching and dragging against the dirt, sending up clouds of dust along my skirt with each step. Sweat poured down my back as the sun beat down on us in the exposed land. My breathing was labored and the sweltering heat suffocated my lungs with each mouthful I took. I glare up at the sun, and to my relief, it had started to fall from the sky, closer to the horizon now than it had been before. Delight went through me as the blistering heat slowly began to cool.

I looked to Eragon. His face barely showed signs of struggle. Though his forehead glistening from his own perspiration and his clothes just as dirt ridden as mine, he looked unaffected by the blistering heat and constant movement. One hand grasped the hint of his sword; as if was the reason he kept going. His legs move at a brisk pace, though I doubt he noticed that I had begun to fall behind. My legs had stopped moving entirely, though I urged them on. He was many strides ahead, too determined to see that I have fallen to the parched ground. I hear the thud of my body before I feel it. My eyes roll back, but I force myself to keep them open and squinting at the sky around me. I breathe carefully in the heavy air, trying to calm my thudding heartbeat.

Eragon must have heard me fall. I feel the vibrations of his feet pounding against the floor as he ran to me. How he managed to move faster than the pace he had provided was beyond me. His face appears over me, shading the light from my eyes so I can see him. Eragon's eyes search my body quickly, checking for anything that could have hurt me. He looks so terrified; I wish I just was strong enough to continue to walk with him. I smile weakly up at him, feeling my dry lips crack from the tension.

"Do you think we could rest for a bit?" My voice is rough and begged for water. Eragon looked past me, towards the trees we had left to gain more time so we wouldn't have to maneuver in and out of them. I saw his eyes calculating whatever was going on in his mind. Lightly, I weakly stroked my fingers against his arm. His eyes snapped down to our joined flesh quickly. I saw him nod hastily and began to lift me from the ground effortlessly. He jogged toward the trees, and in no time, I was bathed in beautiful shade. It shielded me from the setting sun and cooled my burning flesh.  I heard the faint sounds of an almost dried up stream.

"Reisa du ardurna." (Raise the water) Eragon commanded in a strangled voice. A small ball of water lifted from the stream and, with the guide of Eragon's steady hands, lowered itself to my lips. I opened them greedily and was rewarded by the water seeping through my dried mouth. Eragon patiently gave me mouthfuls of water from the stream until I couldn't drink anymore. Only then did he dip his hands into the stream and bring it to his lips. I watched him for a while, staying laid across his lap silently.

Everything hurt. My legs were numb beneath me and my feet were bathing in their own blood from the friction of my boots against my skin. My head pounded with a splitting head ache. I didn't bother speaking, for fear my throat would scratch me from the inside out. 

We sat in silence. The sun slowly began to disappear from the sky. I couldn't help feel relieved as the heat went with it. Eragon stroked my arm gently, seeming to need to know I was still alive and breathing. Finally, I sat up from the position I had crumbled in. My joints cracked from the movement, but otherwise I would live. I nodded at Eragon to signal I was ready, still not wanting to speak. He returned the nod and helped me to my feet. He set a much slower pace than before, which I appreciated. But soon enough, the cold air propelled me faster towards my unknown destination. Eragon took my hand, keeping one part of my body warm. It's weird. Just a few hours ago I had been begging for the sun to set, but now my only wish was for it to return.

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