Chapter 10 - Nico

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  A tinkling laugh filled the sweet evening air that was crisp with the scent of autumn. 

  "Come catch me if you can, Nico!" The voice of Bianca was clear, filled with joy.

  "Wait up, Bianca!" I called, racing after her in the fall colors. Suddenly, my foot caught on a tree root and I went flying, tumbling head over heels. I scraped up my hands and one knee, and began crying loudly for Mom.

  "Nico, Mom's gone to the store, but I'm here," Bianca sprinted to my side. "Where's it hurt?"

  "M-my hands and m-m-my kn-knee," I whimpered softly.

  "Shh," Bianca pulled me into her lap. "It's okay. I'm here now. I shouldn't have had you run like that."

  "Not y-your fault," I shook my head and rubbed a tear away with the heel of my hand.

  "Yes it was," Bianca sighed. "But that's all right. You're better now, right?"

  I nodded and my vision changed.

  "Nico, come this way," Paris gestured with her hand as we inched forward. "The Stolls' never get pranks played on them, but I think if we can do it, then they shouldn't prank us back."

  "Awesome," I grinned.

  She smiled back and handed me a bowl of something.

  "Water?" I inquired curiously.

  "We're going to make them pee in their pants. Maybe, I don't know if it actually works. If not, I have a Plan B," Paris showed me a bag of feathers. If I was the Stolls', I'd rather have Plan A work.

  "What is Plan B?" I asked.

  "First, we dump this mix honey, Gorilla Glue, and tar on them, then on with the feathers. They're very deep sleepers, so the warmth of the solution won't wake them up. You're in charge of feathers."

  I knew she thought this was the best part, so I thanked her graciously. I was definitely hoping Plan A worked for their sake.

  She waved me off with an impatient hand. "You've never feathered someone before, have you?"

  "Nope," I shook my head.

  "Precisely why you can have the honors," She smirked. "Shh. We're here." Paris held a finger to her lips.

  "Okay, we sneak in and hold their hands in the bowl."

  "But there's only one bowl," I pointed out.

  "I have an extra one, duh," Paris pulled another one from her jacket.


  "Uh-huh," Paris snickered at my expression.

  "C'mon," I grabbed the bowl Paris handed me and she dumped some warm water into it.

  "Ready?" Sometimes I wondered how Paris wasn't a child of Hermes; that mischevious grin made me a little weary.

  We unlocked the cabin with that "borrowed" bobby pin of mine, and snuck over to the Stolls' bunk bed.

  Gently, I picked up Travis's hand and slipped it into the water. For a while, nothing happened. Then he rolled over and his hand flipped the bowl so it landed, water and all, all over me.

  "Plan A was not successful," I spluttered. "And I hope he hadn't been doing that before he dumped that on me." Travis had one finger stuck up his nose, and the other hand's thumb in his mouth.

  Paris made a face, then decided it was time for Plan B to be put into action since Connor wasn't wetting his pants either.

  "See? It wasn't just my subject that was a failure," I said.

  "Yeah, but I think your subject rubbed off on mine," Paris sighed.

  "Not possible," I shrugged away her suggestion.

  "Then how come he's in the exact same position?" Paris questioned me. She nodded at Connor who was also picking his nose.

  "Let's just feather these guys," I shook my head and hid a snicker.

  "Okay, I'll smear this stuff on them, then you dump the feathers, okay?"

  Soon enough both boys were both coated in the sticky mix, and I grabbed the canvas bag of feathers from the floor.

  Paris nodded encouragingly at me.

  I dumped the contents onto Travis first, then, with feathers floating about, arranged the rest on Connor.

  "Perfect," Paris grinned. "C'mon, I think they're waking up!"

  We darted from the cabin.

  I gasped as I awoke. The first thing I noticed was the immense cold. I shivered as I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

  I yanked Erebus from its sheath. Being prepared was the best thing right now.

  Come on, Paris, hurry, I thought.



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The Search - Book 2 in the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now