Chapter 1

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Welcome? I thought we were prisoners! Velvetkit was trembling at the black tom's paws.

"What's your names, little ones?" The leader meowed.

"Velvetkit." She murmured.

He purred again and revealed himself, free from the shadows. He was a large, orange tabby. "I trust you know who I am?"

Velvetkit and her sisters exchanged glance sand she gulped. "R-Ruststar?"

"Correct." He praised her. "Now go see your mother, Sapheart."

"But Silverblade is my mother!" Amberkit protested.

"Yeah!" Mintkit agreed.

Velvetkit stayed silent.

"Nonsense!" A light brown she-cat stepped in front of them. "I'm your mother."

Velvetkit looked up at her sisters in confusion. "But..."

"No buts! I don't know what's gotten into you three!" Snapped Sapheart.

Velvetkit shrugged, "I guess living in SunClan was all a dream."

Ruststar nodded, "exactly."

Velvetkit followed him toward the fresh kill pile. "Then why did you ask us our names?"

Ruststar stopped dead in his tracks. He paused for a moment, as if trying to make up an excuse. "Er... Because it's your first time out of the nursery." He then picked out a mouse. "Come eat."

Mintkit padded over and picked out a plump vole.

Amberkit widened her eyes. "But Silverblade said we can't eat meat until we're older! I want milk!"

Velvetkit nodded.

"Don't you remember? Silverblade isn't out mother, silly. Sapheart is, and she never said we couldn't eat meat." Mintkit protested.

"She's right. You're never too young to eat fresh kill." Ruststar agrees with Mintkit.

Velvetkit and Amberkit both meowed, "I'd rather have milk."

"Suit yourself." Mintkit gulped down the vole. She licked her lips, "delicious." She purred.

Sapheart watched her eat for a few more moments before telling the kits to go to sleep. Amberkit was still trembling in their nest. "Don't worry. We were just imagining it. This is out real home." Velvetkit tried to soothe her sister. Amberkit just shrugged.

Not long after her sisters fell asleep, Velvetkit heard her mother enter the den. When she saw that Velvetkit was still awake, she pulled her closer. "Of course you're my mother." She purred.

"And of course you're my kit."

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