The Bitch Clique

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Its seems as if every time we get close to the High School, I just want to seep into the seats and never come back up again. I always get really insecure right before i get through the doors. I feel like everyone is staring at me, judging me and thinking 'well I wonder what would happen if I just went over there and embarrassed the shit out of you in front of the entire school... Huh.' But i always manage to get off with a weak smile that says "Fuck off" to my bus driver. She is at least as fat as a hippo, plus some. She is a complete butt, always telling you to shut up when your minding your own business. I squealed as my favorite song came on, attracting the attention of 14 other sacks of flesh dangling from Scarlett's puppet strings. The bitch clique, I like to call it. All the bus clique were included, except the two who were in high school. Shiyan and Juliet were both in high school, but Juliet acted more of a 10 year old, always being saucy, lashing out on everyone, and crying just for attention. Ever her own clique hated her. But they only kept her in because they needed some one to blame farts and other things like stolen boyfriends, outbursts, and stolen items. I have never felt sorry for her, though. She is just as bad as the rest of those hoes. Always putting herself above the best, thinking shes the best one there is. News flash, dear, your a whore, and nothing more. Enjoy your stay at hotel' fuck your useless.' For those of you left in a 'wtf' state, Scarlett is the main motherfucker of the school. She OWNS this place. Her mom is a doctor, and so was her aunt, grandma, and her sister is going to collage to become a RN. She is such a suck up, too. I have no idea witch one is more of her personality: suck up or bitch. Once, while in the middle of class, she leaned over and said "Omg, can this teacher be any fucking worse? Im bored to my fucking tears. Jesus that fat ass" I was like "Byatch please. Take a look in the god famming mirror." She rolled her eyes, as usual, but I bursted out in 4th period, laughing my ass off. When ever she "rolls" her eyes, she really looks like shes having a damn seizure!!! It's funny af. Im like "HEY SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!! SCARLETT IS HAVING A SEIZURE!!!!!!!" I got detention for a week. Did i go? No, of course not. I forgot. I always do. Proves just how much i care, huh?


So back to me getting off of the bus....
*skip 7 hours*
As i walk off the un delectable cheese wagon, i notice that the Bassey (our usual bus driver) wasn't driving. It was a blonde lady with a familiar sent, wafting the bus with sweet perfume. I've always hated perfume. 
She doesn't even steal a look at me as I approach the bus. She just ignores me along with ever one else, and continues to apply her burgundy-hot lip stick, as if 3 face-fulls were not enough. Her sent lingered all the way to the back of the bus, overly causing the boys to react. They started their amateur show, just as always. I just slam my back pack and hit the seat as if it was my own emotional wall. Something just wasn't settling right with me... I couldn't place it. I felt like something was missing... I blast my head phone on an Asking Alexandria song and quickly loose interest in hearing the same noise, so i add background music guitar and drums. It sounds better now that Fall out Boy joined the tune. I carry on to do this until i forget I'm self consciously upset.

3rd person-
The bus engine died, at the hand of Ms. Bingle. Her face resembled that of a goat after it finds out it no longer has any purpose in the universe. She was utterly disgusted by the way this teenager applied eyeliner. It was sloppy and there wasn't  enough on the bottom eye lid. She began mentally checking her own eyes, remembering the 6:30 am wake up application time.  She remembered the call she received to drive this bus. Its not like she couldn't just do another shift at the store. Her parents owned a small town shop on Luis Street that was at least half her rent every month. She lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment ever since her boyfriend had left, keeping the place to herself just in case he came back. But maybe this 40 dollars could help pay for the diet accessories she needed to reach his boy weight criteria...
Holli walked off the bus with confidence given to her by her music, temporary, but it lingers until someone could replace it with their own. She steps onto the rubber ridges of the steps, slowly walking to the beat of her head phones, Sugar Were Going Down by Fall out Boy. The pavement responded to her feet with taping noises that made her smile. She always loved the sound of shoes on cement. Even if they weren't her own. Tap, tap, tap. She kept taping even after she reached the house, and hit up a conversation with the creaky wood floor instead.
Holli's POV
My feet beat the floor like abusive shoe wear; repeatedly and in steady motion. "MOM, I'm home. Going upstairs. See ya later" I yelled with sarcasm, just so she'd know I was in a good mood. My colossal feet began stomping the stairs, and didn't stop till i reached the very top. My mind went in circles, wondering what i wanted to do now. Something caught my eye, so i look over at the bathroom to find the door open. I know this sounds strange, but i have a tendency to close all the doors upstairs before i leave in the morning, so this either meant Mom was snooping or i had forgotten to  close it. Neither were high probability, but i know i closed the doors. Because i had also forgotten my LIT book in the bathroom and my foot got caught so i jammed my toe. But i did shut the door. My mind picked through its self, and i decided that i was just being irrational. I closed the door and went to my realm at the far end of the hall, the door with the DANGER: CHEMICAL WASTE INSIDE!!! Sign on it. The orange and yellow really brought color. I hated it. But it was MCR, so i let it stay. My room is full of posters painting the wall and sketch books cluttering the floor, so its not uncommon for me to fall over something, oh, i don't know, every FIVE MINUETS. I slip on a frank Fan art picture i drew a few weeks back, and feel instant pain. Of all the years i loved MCR, it was my lost brother that had introduced me to them. He was the tall  nail to my short wooden plank; i needed him, but he didn't really need me. That was how it always was. Until i turned 10, and then i started having problems with my emotions. I didn't know what i felt or how it was effecting me. I have ADHD, so i tend to get excited and be very annoying. I was put on a generic form of some big word medicine and it helped me calm down. But it also made me feel.... Strange. I was always so vibrant and unique, but on the meds, i just didn't know what to do. I felt alone and like i didn't have any interest in anything. It was like brought on depression. I  always had some crazy idea saved for later todo, but with the medicine, i didn't want to do anything but sleep and think about stuff. I lost my appetite on it as well, so i didnt eat as often. I was becoming someone i didn't know.... I lost control of my emotions, letting the poison take control of me. I lost who i was. But Josh, my brother, showed me that through music and art, i could hold onto my active side. I could be loud and beautiful. Thats what he continued to show me, at least until he... Got... Got lost.... My head spills out memories of our nights up playing call of duty, and how he'd mock me just because i sucked.... If only he could see me now.... I lost my thoughts in a forrest of noises. My body hit my bed like a magnet, and i just laid there. But just until my mom walked through the door. "Mom, i thought we agreed you would give me-" her face... It wasn't my mom. Someone had made it through the door. Her head turned towards  me. She was so battered. It was horrific. She look like she had just been in a plane crash and was in the cockpit. But the worst part was the way her eyes twitched every time i moved. Or breathed. I started running, but i couldn't. Because there was nothing to run to. Suddenly, i realized,

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