16. Ending

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Since the secret is out of the bag now, Pasquin went on the run and by that I mean he went running to his mother. Due to Pasquin's caring nature or rather his incline to self-preservation, I was made to tag along. He said I was in danger too since his father will come after his conniving son and anyone associated with him thus it's "in my best interest" to come. However, we both know that if I die, he becomes a prune and he isn't about to let that happen. So his kind request was very thickly laced with threatening command.

We are currently hiding out in his mother's house, the most obvious place to be, basically waiting for Pedro to come crashing through the door. Really smart plan Pasquin. I would like to say at least being in a nice home after all this time is a great feeling but why should I lie? I thought Pasquin was bad but his mother is a nightmare and according to them, Pedro is a monster. Who would've thought I'd end up with a family of psychos?

Anyway, Madame Laurent, as I must call her, has been working on Pasquin for the past few days, trying to activate more of his witch blood to combat the vampyre aging curse, but so far it's been unsuccessful. Serves him right. Brandon and I endured all of this, he should get some sort of punishment. Plus with the way it's affecting his fragile ego, I think he would welcome death which makes this so much more enjoyable for me. His mother has come up with a game plan for him though because at least she, like me, understands that this is the worst place in the world to hide. To think that after all that bravado, he's just a momma's boy.

"It appears that nothing can be done about your body. Je suis désolée, mon trésor, but you'll have to wait it out and see if with time your witch blood reverses some of the effects. In the meantime, it isn't wise for you two to continue to stay here. When your father learns of your treachery, this is the first place he'll come. I can ward him off, bien sûr, but he's bound to have some strong witches on his side. You and la fille will be heading to a forest in Latyp so that you may train her to fight." Pasquin makes a face at that and she immediately goes to him and holds his face in comfort. It's really hard not to laugh at these two. She fawns over him 24-7. Plus the woman still refuses to utter my name. "Oh mon bébé, don't be like that. You must use her to protect yourself, comprends?" That was the last straw on the camel's back as I immediately burst out laughing. Damn, and I was trying so hard to hold it in.

"You really have no shame, do you? I'm not gonna be a pawn to be sacrificed; the only person I'm protecting is myself. And another forest? You've got to be joking. Didn't your 'bébé ' tell you about how I lived in one for months? I've had enough camping to last me a lifetime. So I'm peaceing out. I would say it's been a pleasure but...it really hasn't."

I barely make two steps before an unknown male voice whispers in my mind. "You aren't going anywhere." Everyone freezes. Well it seems that was a broadcast and not a direct message. Madame Laurent gasps. I glance at her and see she's doubling over in what appears to be pain. Huh? Five seconds pass before she slumps to the ground. Wait. What in the world...? Pasquin seems to have unfrozen as he immediately rushes to his mother's side. "Maman...Maman?" he says softly  over and over, his hand poised above her, too afraid to even touch.

Holy sh*t. It must be him. It feels like everything has stopped. I hear no cars driving past or birds chirping. In the stillness all I can now hear are the quiet footsteps approaching. Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t! I'm way too young to die! Yeah, now would be the perfect time to run Nelle. Move body! Move! Though with this man we probably won't get very far...

"Quin!" a powerful voice booms throughout the house. It feels like the air is saturated with energy. However I look over at Pasquin and he's still kneeling on the floor by his mother, quietly calling for her. Is she dead? The footsteps are closer now. Based on the energy in the house, he's about to enter the room. Unfortunately for me I'm backing the door and my body won't move.

"Oh stop with the constant "Maman" already! I keep telling Jasmine she babies you too much. Don't worry. I didn't kill your mother." His voice is full of exasperation. Pasquin finally stops and looks up. Tears fill his eyes as he lets out a huge sigh of relief and a cute grin appears on his face. Whoa. He looks a little younger. A few wrinkles have disappeared  and his checks aren't as hollow. So now Madame Laurent's spells are starting to take effect.

"However, I can't say the same for you." One second, Pasquin is kneeling on the  floor and the next, there's a man standing next to him with Pasquin's head in his hand. My jaw drops in shock. He throws it upwards and catches it with the same hand, inspecting it as if it wasn't a severed head. His son's head! He killed his own son... He actually decapitated his own son. My eyes track the head with each throw. I can't believe my eyes!

A few seconds later he seems to have finished playing catch as his eyes now focus on me. Say goodbye to the world Janelle. It was a nice nineteen years.

He walks towards me. In his right hand, he holds Pasquin's head by his hair and with his left, he grabs my chin, forcing me to look directly at him. "I know your involvement isn't your fault but you're too powerful to leave unchecked so you have two options. Either go join my son in the afterlife or come work for me. Which will it be, dear?"

I look at Pasquin's body then at his head in Pedro's hand. "Hmm...I don't think I can rock the severed look quite as well as your son can...so the latter option may be the best one for me," I say with a slight smirk. I honestly don't know where I get all this courage from. He just killed his own son not even 2 minutes ago and I'm already making a joke with my face in his hand. Nice.

He stares at me and I stare back at him. He releases my face and starts to laugh. "I like you." I heave a huge sigh of relief.

In the blink of an eye, Pedro lifts his hand and smacks Janelle's head right off her neck. Her body slumps to the ground. As he steps over her corpse, still clutching Pasquin's head in his hand, he calmly says "But don't joke about my son."


Hey guys. So the story's finally over. It's been awhile, hasn't it? Thinking of my initial ideas for the plot and how it actually turned out, the disparity is amazing lol. Who I am when I started this and who I am now are different people and I think the progress was showcased throughout the plot of this story. Y'all probably hate me for this ending though (/.\)

I just want to thank everyone who stuck with "Aren't territories a werewolf thing?" until the end, very patiently waiting for updates x) You're the ones who motivated me to keep writing and updating. Also, to all the people who offered helpful advice and criticism, thank you; it was much appreciated.

Please as usual and for the final time, let me know what you guys think in the comments below and don't forget to vote if you like it ^_^

P.S. I have a new story idea so look out for that soon ;) I promise the main character won't die at the end of this one lol.

It's been a pleasure. Chao

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