11. Dying

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"I have made my decision."

Wow. It's like you can almost see the anxiety in the air. What am I really saying though? You can almost see my anxiety in the air. Deep breaths, Nelle. The freaking out is really not helping with the sweaty palms thing.

"Brandon Lewis will be sent to the High Council's Rehabilitation Centre for six months. If he cannot cope with the 'no human blood' program, we'll know that he is too far gone and we will execute him. If he does get through this, he can go back to normal life, fully informed of all our regulations. We don't want a trial like this to duplicate itself. If any member of the Aeropagus opposes my decision, speak now."

And here's another one of those awkward, waiting-for-somebody-to-speak, silences. I really hope no one objects. Stop wringing your hands, Janelle!

Novaj Malick clears her throat. Of course. Just another serving of bad luck for us. These higher powers really like to make sure that we're full.

"Why are you sending him to the rehabilitation centre? Why are you not giving him the death penalty? He has killed thirteen people!" This woman... or owl... or woman owl... whoever! The point is her goal in life must be to annoy the hell out of people, because she sure is annoying the hell out of me.

"I am not sentencing him to death purely because he is a fledgling who had his first taste of human blood. Everyone in this room, well except Janelle, knows how addicting it can be especially when you have no self-control. If he has a conscience, he should be realizing how wrong he was to murder those people. And if so, he deserves a second chance."

Hmm. A lot of vampires must like Amorisa as an Amir. She seems very rational and fair.

"How preposterous! A second chance?! 'Second chance' is a mythical thing. Life does not give 'second chance'. Out of all the ridiculous rulings you have given, this tops the list. I told them someone so young shouldn't have been appointed the title of Amir. I told them!" Whoa. Some old issues are arising, it seems.

"And yet you agree with the youngest person on this council? That is quite hypocritical, Ms. Malick. Therefore, your point is mute."

Oh snap! The owl just got put in her place! You go, Amorisa!

She extends her talons while glaring at Amorisa. Whoa. Calm down, honey. She closes her eyes and the talons slowly retract. Huh. She must have got my telepathic message. "That is true. But my original statement was to expel this foolish idea of 'second chances'," Novaj says, with irritation clear in her voice.

"This is taking up time that I could be using to finish the mountain of paperwork I have to do. Illicia, Himn, Callen? She needs two of you to agree with her in order to disregard my verdict. If any of you are of the same opinion, please speak now."

I would love to say you could hear a pin drop in the room but we're vampires. We could hear that even if we were in a noisy train station, once we concentrate. Anyway, you get my point. There is absolute silence.

The wind picks up and the door to the room we are in flies open. Seven humans walk through; a tall, muscular man leading them.

"Everyone run! Get out of here now!" Amorisa screams at us. What the hell is going on? Who are these people? And why is Amorisa so panicked?

Nelle. Amorisa is panicking. Get your ass out of this seat and run. As soon as I get up to do so, this invisible noose pulls me back. I can't help but scream as I fly through air, going towards God knows what.

My back is now pressed against someone's chest in a loose chokehold. A chest belonging to a human someone. Jeez! Like if this situation wasn't stressful enough. Now I have a craving to deal with as well.

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