10. Punishing

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"Okay. You've all heard details of the situation. What do you think we should do about Brandon Lewis?" says the Amir. We are at the end of Brandon's trial and I'm nervous about the verdict. What will they do to him? Five people are seated on what they call the Aeropagus including Amorisa who is in the middle. The other four members are like the jury while the Amir is like the judge. The Amir has the final say.


The farthest to the left is a man called Callen Rodriguez. He looks about forty-five but that doesn't say much, he could be ninety something. He is quite handsome though, in a rugged sort of way. Callen seems pretty indifferent to what's going on. And to be quite honest, he looks bored. I can't help but chuckle at his facial expression.

"I think that we should let him go, he didn't know what our laws were."

Phew. So we got one rooting for Brandon. That's good. I hope everyone has the same opinion... Though I highly doubt it seeing that our luck hasn't been too good so far. I mean, out of thirty something people on that hiking trip, only the two of us heard that noise and wandered in. Only we would get turned into vampires.


The woman next to him is Illicia Kampbell. She seems to be older than Callen. She looks to be in her late fifty's or so. She seems to have aged well because she still looks amazing despite being a little on the chubby side. Her fingers tap the table as if this whole trial is beneath her; she does not want to be here. Wow. We got some really eager people on this Aeropagus, don't we?

"I partially agree. Even if he did not know our laws, it is illegal to kill in the human world as well. Therefore, it concerns me that he disregarded that. I don't think we should kill him because, as Callen said, he didn't know our laws and we are here to govern the laws of us vampires not humans. However, he should be punished for all those people he murdered."

Wow. She has a point. I totally agree with her. Even if Brandon is my friend. He should pay for all those lives he took. Just not with his own life.


On the other side of Amorisa is a young man named Himn Garrett. And when I say young, I mean he looks around fifteen. I wonder how old a person has to be in order to become a vampire. Since he's so young, he must really be exceptional to be on the Aeropagus. He's a cutie though, in a teenage guy now hitting puberty kinda way. Anyway, with the way he's smirking, it seems he finds all this very amusing. Typical teenage boy behaviour.

"My opinion is that he be killed. He has broken the law whether he knew about it or not." My eyes bulge out of my skull. Out of all the people to be harsh, it's him? Or Himn. Lol. I love that name. Anyway, back to the point. I guess he's not so typical after all. This sucks. Jeez. And it sucks even worse because I can see his point. Murder is still murder.


The last person on the Aeropagus nearly caused me to have a stroke. I am totally not exaggerating on this one. Her name is Novaj Malick. And guess what? She's an owl. Yeah. You heard me, imaginary people in my head. A talking owl. When she started to speak, it scared Brandon and I half to death! Apparently, in the creation of vampires, animals were tested on first. Who knew the idea of labrats was that old? I don't know how the ability to talk came in though. Anyway, she's one of the two last original test subjects alive and they are greatly revered and respected in the vampire society. Ms.Malick (don't call her by her first name if you are not considered a friend, she finds that very rude) moves to a different territory every 5 years to 'share her vast knowledge' with everyone.

The other one is Toshito Kiske and he is a spider. Since there's a talking owl, that didn't surprise me as much. He's not seen very often but every year he, along with Ms.Malick, attend a big meeting and dinner for all the Amirs in the country. So to sum it all up it's 'an honor' to have her as a member of the Aeropagus for Brandon's trial. But Lord have mercy, is she a snob!

"I agree with Mr.Garrett. Brandon Lewis has killed several people. He has no conscience and no morals. He should be executed for his crimes just like anyone else."

And everything has just gone downhill. One person wants to let him go. Another wants him punished, just not with the death penalty. And two want him executed. Not to mention, one of those two is the greatly admired vampire owl, Novaj Malick. The odds are just not in Brandon's favor. Well, the final verdict is Amorisa's so there's still hope. Or rather, there better still be hope! Jeez. I need to relax. My hands are slick with sweat. It's disgusting!

"Thank you for all of your much appreciated inputs. Now we'll take a fifteen minute break while I deliberate and decide on the verdict."

Special Treat!!!!! XD

Brandon's P.O.V.


I really can't believe this is happening to me. Although, I definitely deserve it. What have I done? I can't believe I actually killed all of those thirteen people.

"I think that we should let him go, he didn't know what our laws were."

I have become a monster. And the worst part is, only the threat of punishment could get me to realize this. I really am pathetic.


No wonder Janelle doesn't like me back. How could she even think of being with someone like me? How could I expect her to?

"I partially agree. Even if he did not know our laws, it is illegal to kill in the human world as well. Therefore, it concerns me that he disregarded that. I don't think we should kill him because, as Callen said, he didn't know our laws and we are here to govern the laws of us vampires not humans. But on the other hand, he should be punished for all those people he murdered."

I have sentenced those thirteen people to death and now I should be sentenced to death as well. It is only fair. And if by some miracle I don't get executed, I will do it myself.


It's funny though. In all the years that I have been abused, never once have I thought of suicide. However, doing this would be right. A fit ending for me. I will be avenging all of their deaths; even if their families never find out.

"My opinion is that he be killed. He has broken the law whether he knew about it or not."

Wow. I have to prepare myself to die.


Well, I don't really own anything. And I have no siblings or even relatives that I talk to. My friendships were never anything special. Now that I think about it, I have had a pretty lonely life. Only watching anime like One piece got me through it. I sigh inside my head. I'm going to miss my anime.

"I agree with Mr.Garrett. Brandon Lewis has killed several people. He has no conscience and no morals. He should be executed for his crimes just like anyone else."

I must write a letter to my mother and father though. I won't ever forgive them for what they did but things must end on a good note. At least, for my sake.

"Thank you for all of your much appreciated inputs. Now we'll take a fifteen minute break while I deliberate and decide on the verdict."

I sigh aloud this time. My mind is pondering upon the most stressing matter of all now. What am I going to do about Janelle...


Hiya ppl!!!! Hope you guys liked your treat. Getting a look into Brandon's mind!! :) And I got to mention my fave anime :D

I don't know if y'all got what I was trying to do there. He was supposed to be zoning out. That's why he wasn't reacting to any of the dialogue.

Anyway, I want to know what you guys thought about the treat. And did it sound different to Janelle's P.O.V.? I hope I didn't butcher the chapter because of it loool.

As usual, I would love to hear your opinions about this chapter so please tell me in the comments below. And don't forget to vote if you like it =)

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